Not Going As Planned

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"It's good to see you in such good cheer, Mr.Jack," Mr. Breen said with a wry smile as he looked at the furious man on the other side of the table. Jacques let out a low growl before slamming a fist on the small table, almost breaking it in half.

"I don't have fucking time for this!" he yelled, causing some of those around the two to send them shocked stares.

"Please, calm yourself, Mr. Jack. I don't wish to be here just as much as you do. I have plenty of things that I have to get done," Mr. Breen said before taking a sip from his glass. Jacques folded his arms over his chest and stared towards the empty stage.

"Alright. What is it that we need to talk about?" Jacques figured that throwing a fit would get him no where and that the quickest way to get out of this hellhole was to do what Mr. Breen wanted. As long as it was what he wanted as well.

"First, I want to congratulate you on finding Ms. Lithgow. Your plan was a real success, Mr. Jack. I don't know how you did it, but you did," Mr. Breen praised. Jacques' expression did not change. He did not give a rat's ass what this man thought. In fact, he hated glorification in general. It was just a cheap way to gain someone's trust and affection.

"You're right. I did it. Now, bring Eurwen out so we can finish our business and move on with our lives," Jacques snapped. Mr. Breen's smile fell and he turned his attention to the stage. He reached into his left pocket and pulled out a white handkerchief with a gold "a" imprinted on the bottom right corner. He brought it to his forehead and gently wiped away the sweat that had been perspiring there throughout the entire night.

"I'm afraid...I'm afraid there's a bit of a situation," Mr. Breen confessed. Jacques clenched his fists.

"Just what the fuck do you mean, Mr. Breen?"

"Eurwen...well, she isn't here."

That was it. Jacques lost it. He threw the table across the room, almost hitting some of the other guests. His chest was heaving and his hands were shaking.

"Mr. Jack, please, control yourself. Destroying property will not bring her here," Mr. Breen calmly said.

Mr. Breen was an enigma in himself. He was a patient man, a true gentleman. He was known as the calm one. The man that always had a leveled head and was composed in times of chaos and disorder. Many people looked up to him and treated him with greater respect than his title deserved.

But, behind that kind and quiet demeanor was a manipulative and arrogant creature. He had been involved with politics throughout most of his life, so it was no wonder he had become as slimy as those he chose to associate with. The only thing he had going for him were his deceiving looks and old man charms. Those plus his conniving personality were trouble and Jacques could smell the corruption in him from their very first meeting. The only reason Jacques hadn't killed him yet was for reasons only he could justify.

"Why the hell am I here then? What's the point of telling me to come if she isn't even here?" It was stated as a question, but the tone of Jacques' voice made it appear more like a demand.

"She miscalculated her time. She was unaware that her business in Nepal would take so long. She just informed me that she is going to have to stay there for another month or so," Mr. Breen informed.

"You didn't answer my questions. You just gave me some shitty excuse."

"You're here, Mr. Jack, to prove that you have completed your end of the bargain. Unfortunately, Eurwen was unable to complete hers at the time promised, but she assures you that everything will go according to plan just at a later date."

"This...this is all a bunch of bullshit. What does she expect me to do? Go all the way to Nepal to drop that-" Jacques was unable to finish his rant before kicking over his chair. He was livid.

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