Opportunity Does Not Knock Twice

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Reilly stood her ground as the attractive man inhaled from his cigarette. She wrinkled her noise as another black cloud was blown into the air. Smoking was truly a disgusting habit.

"So...what's it going to be?" he asked. Reilly remained quite and still, hoping for some sort of fortune to come her way.

"I-I...why can't we just talk it out right here?" she suggested nervously. The man bit into his cigarette causing the lit end to fall to the ground. He then spat out the part in his mouth and stomped his foot on the two pieces. He looked pissed, but, before he could do anything, a cellphone went off.

"Fuck! What does she want know?" cursed the man as he reached into one of his pant's pockets and pulled out a phone. He then slipped it open and set it beside his ear.

"What is it?" he snapped. Reilly was unable to hear the person on the other line, but, judging from the man's frown and the security guard's horrified expression, they weren't having a casual conversation.

"I have her, okay? I have her! Now stop bitching to me about not doing my part! I fucking have her!" the man screamed, causing the poor guard to flinch. Reilly wasn't paying too much attention to the events around her. Instead, she was thanking a higher power for this sliver of luck and then took off at full speed for the iron door.

"Wh-wh-where do you think you're going?" yelled the security guard. Reilly didn't turn around, she didn't even pause. She kept sprinting toward the door, practically at the iron gates before something hit her stomach.

It felt like a bowling ball had just been chucked into her gut and the pain caused her to fall to her knees coughing. She fell on her side and looked up to see the man with one of his hands balled into a fist. The other held his cellphone.

"You really thought, Ms. Lithgow, that you could outrun me?" he asked, slightly amused. Reilly coughed before setting her forehead against the asphalt.

"I-I *cough* don't even know who the *cough* hell you are!" she tried to scream, but it came out more like a wheeze. The man's eyebrows went up and he looked somewhat surprised.

"You have got to be kidding me," he scoffed before putting his cellphone back into his pocket. He then turned to the security guard and motioned for him to come forward.

"Put her in my car. In the back...and make sure she doesn't get any blood on the seats. So help me god if I find blood on those seats...," Jacques warned and left Reilly writhing on the floor. Her eyes went wide at the mention of blood and she brought a shaky hand to her mouth. Sure enough, there was a black substance running from down her lips. This made her angry.

"You-you psycho! Just who the hell are you? Where are you taking me?" she screamed. The security guard awkwardly picked her up despite her struggling and began carrying her to the man's car. The man didn't even turn around as he lit another cigarette.

"Since you asked...my name is Jacques. As for where I'm taking you...let's just say it's a surprise, okay?" he said before turning around to flash Reilly a dark grin.

Reilly narrowed her eyes and glared at Jacques. If he thought she was just going to let him rape and kill her (because everyone knows that's what happens to young girls who get kidnapped) then he was in for a rude awakening. She had watched enough crime shows to know what to do in the event of a kidnapping. At least, she thought she did.

She hoped she did.


Dakota felt her heart practically drop as she watched the time on her clock turn from two fifty-nine to three.

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