Chapter 6: Cute

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"Tony Stark, let the poor girl in."  I flinch at that.  I'm not a poor girl, Natasha.  Glory in the fact they can't hear my thoughts.  I have a feeling I'd be bent over with a broken rib at that comment.

"Just because she had recommendation from Cap doesn't mean that I can let her into my  tower-What are you doing?"  The sounds of a struggle over the intercom is all I hear before the beep and buzz that I think means the door has been unlocked.  I throw my duffel bag over my shoulder and make a dash for the doors.  Hurry hurry hurry- MADE IT!  

"Take that, Spare Parts!"

"I heard that, trespasser!"

"You didn't hear anything over me, you idiot." I hear a clear slap and the sound of doors before I'm met with the elevator sliding open to reveal the curviest girl I think that I've ever seen.  AHEM, woman, AHEM.  "Sorry, dear.  I'm Natasha Romanov, though I have a feeling you already knew that.  You're Chrys?"

"Yes ma'am.  I'm here per request of Captain America?" I raise my hand, not sure what she would do.  This woman is intimidating and I can't admit to whether or not I'm quaking in my shoes right now.  It's too embarrassing to.  Crap, gave it away didn't I?  Hey...that's weird.  Crap is Cap with a r inserted into it...what if Cap's nickname was turned into a curse word?! Does-

"Then you're the one.  We've gotten you a room ready, service of Steve and Tony."  Natasha shakes my hand and a sense of ease passes over me.  She's normal.  She won't treat me like a certain tin bucket would.  "You might as well just call him that.  He'll practically beg you to.  Same with me. No "ma'am" or "Ms. Widow" stuff with me."

"Yes ma-Okay Natasha."  She smiles gently at me before gesturing for me to follow.

"That'll work with me.  Warning:  Tony will be a hard adversary.  Don't give up and he'll eventually accept you.  I think the only other one's you have to watch for is Vision and Wanda.  Everyone else is out on their own business.  Steve will be back early tomorrow.  After some sleep, he'll come find you probably.  Try not to eat any Pop-Tarts by then."  Nice warnings.  Including the Pop-Tarts.  I don't want to wake up with a God of Thunder in my face demanding payment.  Did I just-?  Yep, I really just shivered.  And got a weird look from Natasha.  Nice way to start out...

"Here's your room."

I didn't honestly know what to expect, but a room that looks fluffier than a bunch of clouds was not it.  There was a plush carpet, thankfully colored a deep blue-green that felt like walking on a luscious grass, green with with being freshly watered.  The bed is a simple twin, much to my delight.  I didn't want any huge queen or king with four posters and a curtain to match.  The comforter is a nice white, not too blinding with the bright lamp beside it.  A ceiling fan has a dimming light and spins on a low setting, giving off a gentle coolness.  The wooden fixtures, bedside table, dresser, and desk, are all darker wood.  Maybe a rich, deep oak, freshly polished.  The whole room gives off a confusing mix of cozy and high class.  I wonder who designed it.  

I am pleased you like it.

Well this makes sense.  Hi Xavier.

Hello Chrys.  I sent plans to Tony, who seemed a little put out with me.  It seems as if you will be staying a while.  I hope you do not mind.

I don't.  If anything, thank you.  It feels a little more like home.

I hope it is the home that I know.  If you need me, I will be listening for your call.  Otherwise, work out your problems and we will await you here.

Thank you... But he was already gone.  I feel lonely suddenly.  I am away from home, although which one is a good question.  I feel such an attachment from home.  After all, haven't I been working to get to my true home, yet the Mansion is starting to feel more and more like that, like my family.  I miss my brothers and sister.  Haha, I miss Anders.  You're not here to hear those regrets though.

"You okay?" I jump when I hear the Widow behind me, her hand on my shoulder.  I was crying?  I rub my face quickly.

"Y-yeah.  Just looks like home, y'know?"

"You're going back.  Anyhow, I'll leave you be.  I got some stuff to do." I watch as she leaves, red hair flashing as she turns the corner.  I wonder...never mind.  I start to unpack, leaving my meager set of clothes in the dresser and stored my bag under the bed.  Falling back onto the bed, I let out a shriek when I sunk in, my nose nearly being covered with how much it swallowed me.  I let out another cry of alarm when I was bounced back up into the air.

This wasn't a regular bed.  It was a water bed!  

"Excuse me, miss, for entering, but I must ask if you are in good health."  I jerk up at the voice, my eyes widening at the sight.  I-It's Vision!  My eyes trail up and down his body, taking in the synthetic colored skin, his bow tie slightly crooked.  He was wearing a vest over a crisp white dress shirt and black dress slacks.  He wasn't wearing shoes though, which suited me just fine.  It made him look a bit casual.  Y'know, besides the lopsided bow tie.

"I'm fine.  Name's Chrys-"

"I know.  I intercepted the Captain's message to find who the new recruit coming was.  I am surprised you are a female.  I find Chris is a name for a boy."  I saw a little light start up over one of his pupils and frowned.  He was surfing the net.

"I find it a rude to stalk the person you came to check on.  Fyi, I know your name, Mr. Vision, and I would appreciate getting to take a nap."  I made sure to frown.  I was a bit annoyed with the intruding robot and I wished to sleep.  I feel very tired suddenly.  Or I was making it seem that way.

"Of course.  I will leave you...for now."

Crap.  Don't tell me that he knows as well.  At least he's cute.

Well, that's chapter 6.  Hope I haven't done too bad.  We might be here a bit.  You have something to figure out.  Two somethings, before we go back to the Mansion, where we will have quite a homecoming, I think.   Also, last part until Christmas.  You'll have a special gift then! ;)  I think you'll all likey.


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