Chapter 9: Intruder

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"The bookvorm kaught me. I suppose I should be scared?" He raised an eyebrow and I frown. What's up with the sarcastic tone or is he actually acting normal? Oh my goodness, I can see why Wanda would get mad at him.

"You ought to not be here. Classes are starting soon, right?" I ask, turning the conversation back to normal.

"Yeah, but I'll be back before long. Doesn't take me, eh, thirty minutes? Less. I don't know, I vas too awesome to kount them," he pretended to look at an imaginary watch and I instantly look up. Good, Vision isn't on his way back yet.

"I wouldn't know," I state this flatly. "Since you haven't left yet, what are you doing here?"

"A friend kan't kome see a friend vhen they are avay?" Peter throws his hands together, interlocking his fingers, and fits them under his chin. It doesn't work since he's freaking six feet tall. I'm only 5'2. Ah, life's joys.

"Not when they're you."

"Look, I honestly kame to see you. I vanted to check up on you," he sighs, dropping his hands. Back to normal. "Plus, I vas granted the first day out of school."

"Then tomorrow will be your first. Go home, Peter," I start to push him in a random direction before he flashes to the side of me, catching my hand before I fall. He pulls me flush against him with a tut.

"Have you started your vork? Kurt is growing...desperate." His voice is low in my ear, his chin hitting my neck. He's warm, warmer than even Vision, and he keeps me close. His hold is gentle, almost like he's scared to hold me too tight.

"It's nice of you to ask. Tell Charles I'm waiting to see what Captain America's buddy has to say before I come back home. I'll work while I can here. I might stay a bit longer. It's rather peaceful...if Tony would leave," I say back, a blush coming across my face. He was so close. A passerby, directly in my line of sight, hit a pole watching us and the old woman next to him, presumably his grandmother, said something about young love. "Would you let me go now?"

"One more thing first. Stay avay from the robot." And he's gone, a flash all I see before he's rounded the corner and out of my sight.

"Chrys." I jump when I see Vision behind me. He's holding my watch to me, which I quickly take, slipping it onto my wrist and securing it. When I look up, Vision is scrutinizing me, his gaze inquisitive. "You seem as if you have...seen a ghost."

"I'm fine. How long do I have to stay out?" I ask, shaking my head, in part to put him off my path and secondly to clear my mind. I didn't want to think about what Peter said just yet.

"Until the Captain awakes to tell Tony your purpose of being here or rather to put him in his place as an Avenger. Either would seem to work by my calculations," Vision replied. Man, he is still a robot...with feelings. Which in my eyes was just a synthetic human. Or that's what I liked to think.

"Thank you for the reassurance. Are you going to stay with me until then?" I ask, taking a look at my watch. It's eight o'clock at home. My siblings would be in school right now, it having started a little less than a month ago. It starts a month later than here in New York. Wonder if Anders is enjoying his year as a senior. I-

"Yes. Do you have anything that you wish to do?" How courteous.

"Not really. Is there anything you recommend?"

"I need to do shopping to prepare dinner tonight. I found a recipe I am sure Wanda will like. I would like her to give her opinion of it," he admits and I smile. How sweet!!! He wants to do something for Wanda.

"Let me guess. The recipe is Russian?" I tap him playfully with my elbow.

"Yes. How did you know?"

"I have my ways, Short Sight." I wiggle my eyebrows, hooking my arm in his. "Let's go."

And so that's what we did for the remainder of the morning, looking around various grocery stores, find all the ingredients he needed for his "wooing dish."

"Do not call it that!" I flustered an Android when I did that. I hope he would do good. I look up from examining a vegetable since he didn't know what "firm and hollow" meant. He was looking at the tomatoes, having gotten those before. This being didn't have to eat, but he wished to learn how to cook for his "romantic interest" and it almost made me swoon. As much as I loved him myself, he deserved to be happy with her. They would get married one day after all...after a whole lot of strife. I glance up, studying the focused Vision, a smile overcoming my face. He would be happy one day. He would pull through.

As for Wanda at this point...she would be delighted, I believe in her subtle way, with Vision's dedication to cooking her native food and to go so far as to get her help when he was done, but she didn't know about Pietro. As far as I know, this world had Peter and I didn't know anything about Pietro. Mayhaps he didn't exist in this universe.

I carried a few bags, but most of the plastic bags holding Vision's treasures were held by himself, determined to not make me stress any more than it appeared I would have to today. We were quiet on the way back, cars as they now moved quickly passed. Most of the work traffic was over, allowing a bit more freedom on the road and lord was there a lot to take in. New York was loud and I couldn't cope, being from the country. I'm surprised I actually slept last night. My watch read one when we reached the tower, which meant it was truthfully two here. I kept my watch set back...for the aforementioned reason.

"Thank you for you help today. It has made my plans much easier," Vision acknowledges, nodding his head to me.

"It was my pleasure. I like to help others out...and further along their personal self interests." I wiggle my eyebrows again.

"My personal self interests?" Vision looked confused, the poor boy. He was rather innocent, thought not too innocent considering his earlier trick of how to get an answer out of me.

"You'll figure it out sooner or later," I tease, holding the answer above him like a chew toy. That was in the elevator. That was before we entered the main room.

"OH MY GOD!!! WHAT IS THAT SMELL?!" I screech out, my hand flying up to pinch my nose, the stench that had intruded wafting in.

"It would appear as if someone has left a rather rancorous odor behind," Vision states calmly, walking on a head. He turned when I hadn't moved and recognition passed over his eyes. I handed him the bags and went to investigate the odor.

What I found is not suitable for anyone to know and has scarred me for life, but I must share it. It isn't as embarrassing as what I admitted to you the other day. Rather it is digging up a painful memory of someone else's embarrassment.

I entered the bathroom, the place of utmost horror that I would find. The smell hit me full blast, it's hideousness passing through my plugged nostrils and tearing apart my lungs, slowly squeezing the life from them as they gasped for fresh air. In the pot was where lay the perpetrator of death, it's scaly green sight the most abominable of all.

It was the turds of the Hulk. Not Bruce, but the Hulk.

I wasn't the only one with something that those baked beans had given.

I quickly open the window and stumble out, gasping for breath in the kitchen, where the smell has receded to the point of cleanness that would not kill due to the amazing Vision opening all the available windows.

So some bonding, intruding, and some funniness that hopefully you guys could make sense of. Has anyone read the reviews about the...I think it's the large bag of gummies on Amazon. That's kinda where the idea came some help from the twin bro. He likes to make characters suffer.


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