Chapter 8: Android

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I went to bed around nine thirty, staying up with Bruce before he went back to the lab. I don't think he went back to sleep. If anything, he seemed preoccupied with his thoughts, so I didn't say anything, even after we finished eating. After a few minutes of us both doing dishes, again in silence, we went our separate ways, him to his lab and I to my bed.

Felt like a nice arrangement.

"'Bout time you get up. You owe us some explanations."


"YYYOOOUUCH!!!" I screech, my hands flying to my forehead. Are you serious?! There's already a knot on my head. Just from gently bumping heads with someone else. Never mind, that wasn't such a gentle bump. It-ouch. That's gonna leave a nasty bruise.

"You didn't have to do that!!! And you didn't have to get up in my face, thank you very much. What is it with you and getting...argh!" I argue back. I'll be honest, I wasn't expecting to argue with my host and the infamous Tony Stark on the first day of being here.

"I did too. Especially when you ARE NOT WELCOME HERE!!!"

"You're acting like a child!"


"What is going on, sir?"

"We have a rat hiding among swans."

I frown. "That is the worst comparison I've ever heard. Goose to swan."

"A rat among swans is sufficient enough to get the point across." I glare at the metal synthetic Avenger before he picks me up and starts to carry me. I don't know if it was because this was higher than I normally go, or if it was because of his cape constantly making the floor look like it was tilting, but I had a really bad need to throw up.

Wanna hear the best part?

When I was turned around, my rear end in Tony's direction, Vision adjusted me on his shoulder for a better grip, not that he knew how he was holding me was slightly...awkward, but it unleashed something amazing. Right after Tony's whistle...actually in the middle, some gas was passed. Keep in mind my night snack with Bruce.


Vision vibrates against me. "A-are you laughing?"

"Why would one not? It is funny, no?"

"Um...depends on who the person is. It's rather embarrassing..." I know we're moving, I just don't know where we are. This durned cape is getting in the way of my sight except for the floor, which remains a constant wooden board, glossed to perfection...the same as any wooden fixture.

"How so?"

"Well, I'm a girl and girl's don't normally fart. It's..." I wave my hands around, trying to come up with a better word...and not fall over. He was slowly tilting me back, hands on my knees now. At least he was creeping down rather than up. What am I saying? This Android is way too innocent.

"Unladylike?" Vision supplies and I smile cheekily. Oh wait, why does it matter? He can't see me.

"Yeah, that..." I murmur, feeling my stomach rumble. It might be best to close my eyes...

"Are you hungry?" Did I detect a mask hiding his face? Okay, that sounded weird. Have you ever heard about how people have masks when they have something to hide? Uh, I don't know where I was going with that. Anyway, when I say mask, it sounds as if he has the most deadened, unemotional voice at the moment.

"Not really that I'm hungry, yet, but that I may or may not...ah, feel sick from watching your cape," I admit, burying my head into his shoulder. It hurt to bend it that far to stuff it into the synthetic muscle. Oh... "You're warm!"

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