Chapter 13: Why One Writes

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Warning: Many quotes...

A week. I'm inspirationless and brotherless. I shut myself up in my room, hiding from the world and those who would bother me to come back into it.

I don't want to see it.

I still do not think of my brother. Instead, I focus on solving Gran's basic riddle. I've been doing something wrong obviously. She says I'm avoiding what I started writing. What can I do to fix that? It occurs to me that perhaps some others would hold the answer...

And so I look up quotes.

Okay...writing isn't a drug. Oh, whoops... "Creativity is my addiction, and my writing is my drug of choice!" ~Ambear Shellea

I mean, that's fairly good. I get to some points in my life when that's exactly what writing is...when you get so into writing the story that that's all you see. You see the story and the words and the characters interactions. That's how "A World Forgotten" started actually. Maybe I need to make it my drug again...

On to another reason.

"You write to discover what you want to say. You rewrite to discover what you have said and then rewrite it to make it clear to other people."

~Donald Murray

That one hit something. Of course, I know exactly what that is. I write this to show you show you guys...well, let's just say to share in our love X-Men hotties and then some more with these Avengers. If you can past my depressing thoughts that is! Hahaha....ha......ha............

You know what, I'll cut it short here. I found a few that just stuck with me...that made my mind up.

"Writing is easy. All you have to do is cross out the wrong words."

~Mark Twain

"You can't think yourself out of a writing block; you have to write yourself of a thinking block."

~John Rogers

"No one can tell your story so tell it yourself. No one can write your story so write it yourself."



The last three were what got me going. Well, the one from Mark Twain confused me a little. How can I cross out the wrong words? They tell the story that leads up the what happens, the between, the ending, and the beginning. Then again, every time I backspace, I do take the wrong words away, fix what I had broken. Can I do that still? The true question...should I do that?




More Coffee.


Wanda's POV

None of us have heard from Chrys for a few days. I could hear random strands of her thoughts throughout the night, vaking me often and I vould find her making her vay to get coffee and resume vhatever she vas doing. I did not vish to invade on purpose.

Vhen she came stumbling out her room, vaving a stack of papers, I rushed to fetch Steve. He must have known vhat to do. He deemed her safe enough to bring here. She vas screaming somezhing about an (Y/N), but I did not know vho she vas. Apparently zhis vriting vould help. Steve started asking questions in an excited tone, his movements frantic and his eyes huge as he ran down the stairs. I stayed with Chrys vho purred, I do not know vhy, and curled up against me. She vas soon asleep, a light snoring sounded as Steve came back up the stairs.

He looked slightly put off at seeing her, but he vrapped her up in a blanket and took her down. I had trailed after to find them zooming off his infamous little bug.

~some hours later (brought to you by a...ahem, hold your drool ladies...shirtless Kurt~

"S-Steve?" I wake slowly, a pulse pounding hard and heavy in the right side of my skull. I must've overused my creative self. Man, but that hurts! "Please turn down the music." It wasn't actually that loud, something I would've kept it at. Loud enough to be heard, but not distracting.

"Yes ma'am." The star spangled man, albeit only dressed in a snug white shirt and jeans, complied, leaving the music at a whisper and me faintly away of the fact the pounding had slowed to a gentle throb. What did I do to myself? "Are you feeling alright?"

"Got a headache. Not much more. Thanks for, um, turning it down." I gesture towards the radio and nods in acknowledgement. We sit there...and sit there. Finally, I see an exit sign. Oh, forgot to mention, we're on the highway. This looks like when I was coming to- "Where are going?"

"Back to X-Mansion." Tight lipped. Suspicious much?

"Why? I was still..."

"You ran out of your room screeching about having finished your writing. You said (Y/N) would be okay. That means we have to bring it back, right?" Steve asks this, suddenly sounding uncertain. He seems calm, almost hopeful when he looks over at my silent self.

"I can't say what will happen. I only write what might come..." I reply, rubbing my arms. I didn't realize what the quote, about the crossing out the wrong, had meant...but I think I got it now. I don't indefinitely decide what happens, but write a different ending, a possibility. It's like I'm writing that possible strand of future that a fortune teller would see.

"I thought you could fix this." He's grinding his teeth now, the air in the car immediately becoming heavy. Can't breathe right. "You said you could help her."

"I am!" I growl back, irritation clouding over me. I scratch my arm now, not rub. "What are you doing, huh?"

"Trying to give the person who can save her a place to work, to get some peace to write!" His voice has deepened with something in it. "I am trying to stand by her, to give her something to fight for."

"Y'know..." I trail off, leaving him to wait for a continuation and he leans over ever so slightly. I can't tell whether he did it on purpose or not. "I'm doing the same thing. You look up to me to do something because you can't do a thing except hope she wakes up. It's happened before now to you and you hate it. You hate the fact you can't do anything. You're not just hoping that I can do something now, but permanently. I could...but I don't think anyone would like it. You would be left without her-"

"You would kill her?!" I raise a hand and his fired face calms. I giggle and he gives me an incredulous look.

"What?" I raise an eyebrow through my laughter, my voice managing to stay safely stable. "I mean, you think I would go through all this trouble to kill her. No-" I had to raise my hand again to get him to shut his mouth. "I care too much for her to do that do her. I like all of the people here too much to do that to them. I will not hurt any souls in that way. There would be a few complications if she follows the path I have written. In fact, I need to speak of it. Would you like to know and help me out?"

"Of course-"

"Then shut up and let me do my job..."

And so the last bits and pieces begin to come together. Before you know it, the ending will be here and we'll all be crying for different reasons. I don't actually know if that's true.



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