Chapter 7: The True Meeting

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I may have lied to you. Do you think this is a dream? Not true. Welcome to my mindscape...sorta. I'm only showing you a certain memory that I can't seem to get right. The easiest time to access my mindscape is when I'm sleeping, which is when most of my inspiration happens. In dreams. And my most rational thoughts most of the time.

I didn't meet Peter like I told you. It was a great deal more embarrassing and I've spent most of my nap time deciding whether I should tell you or not, but considering I put you to sleep, I should at least be truthful with you. Not telling something is not necessarily lying in my mind, so I still won't tell you the rest of the situation going on with me.

At the time I...came to the X-Mansion, I was sorta getting over my crush on Kurt...espcially after seeing the story of you two falling in love, although you still have yet to admit it. Shortly beforehand, I had written a story that had a lot to do with the color silver and as a product have a current extreme liking for anything silver. I had always had a distant affinity for Quicksilver, but he...ahem, nothing about that now. He had silver hair...needless to say.

"Who's at the door?" I furrowed by brow in annoyance at the shout. They were aware that I could hear them, right? For the next couple of minutes, I stood at the grand doors to this mansion turned school, waiting for someone, anyone, to let me in. Finally, I was greeted with a friendly man who seemed to have salted dark hair somewhat in the shape of ears.

A wolverine to be exact.

At the time, I was delighted to see him. I can't say I looked at him all that well, but those muscles... Wipe the drool from your mouth. Anyhow, he let me in with a gentle growl and took me up to the professor. I hadn't seen any student yet due to you all being in class or professor out and about. I figured it was Logan's break. I talked to the professor, told him some of my made up situation, and was welcomed to take the library and the room in it.

The rest of the day was spent decorating the room much to the design of the previous chapter's and then getting my bearings with the library, which I will spare you the details of. It was going to dinner, I found, was when the trouble started.

I was startled with all the Pink Floyd shirts romping around. Reminds me of the book...oh, I can't remember. Somebody texted most of the whole school to wear a particular colored sock and most of the kids showed up the next day wearing the color they were told to. If you remember that, let me know please. It reminded me of that.

I sat down to eat, talking to a few random students who asked who I was. I managed to avoid the question of my mutation and they seemed to accept them. It seemed normal for a newbie to hide their powers. Especially when they were my age and just discovered them. Or perhaps it was my imagination-

"Vho-are-you? Vhy-aren't-you-vearing-the-shirt? Vere-have-you-been? It's-the-new-trend!" I was instantly annoyed, my hands flying up.

"Those shirts? And who are y-you..." I had turned and found it was the worst mistake of my life. Well, not really, but as for embarrassing memories, this would be one of my top ones. You might now think so, but doing this in front of people/characters...I feel really bad you're going to read this, but not use stopping now.

"BLOODYHELLS!!!!" I shrieked, the entire cafeteria quieting down at my shout. "You have silver hair!"

"Uh, yeah, I'm called Quicksilver for a reason-WOAH!!" I had tackled him to the ground. I don't know how, considering he could have easily dodged. I was straddling him and running my fingers through his hair, looking like a demented person. For once, from everything I had read to the movies, the speedster was speechless.

You think that's bad?

I fainted.

And then when I woke up and saw him again, I was a snarly dog towards him. Thus leads to when you met me while I was talking to Kurt and hiding from the silver-haired speedster. So yeah, short, sweet, and highly embarrassing. I can't believe I'm actually going to post this. However, you might be ready for more of the actual story instead of the past-


I woke with a start, eyes filled with sleep(sand) and a yawn that a dinosaur couldn't beat. The room was dark as I look around, the blurriness from waking slowly fading. It must be night already-oh, the clock says 8:30pm. Not to bad then. That means some people should be up and I can find my way to the kitchen without having to bumble around looking for a light switch and waking everyone up.

The smell of baked beans floated down the hall and I perk up. Baked beans are one of my favorite foods and especially when I was kid. It had something to do with the fact my young mind associated them with horses. I was obsessed with them, before you ask. Horses...horses everywhere.

I walked into the kitchen and the human version of the Hulk immediately stiffens. "Who-?"

"Chrys Grynly at your service. I woke up a few minutes ago and smelled the beans. How much are you making?" His hair flopped in adorable curls over his forehead, resting on top of his rimmed glasses, behind which were hiding beautiful brown eyes. His hair was a deep brown, near black looking as he moved his head to look at me.

"Ah, the new girl Cap brought in. Welcome to the Tower."

"Tony didn't make it seem that way, but I take it that's normal?"

"Of course. Any particular reason for being here?" I raise a brow as I slide into a bar stool, looking across the breakfast bar at him. Is he getting onto something or is he simply curious. As if reading my mind: "I was told you came from the X-Men. Just wanted to know if you had a particular reason for leaving."

"It's more of a temporary leave, although I don't know how long it'll take to get back." I don't continue and I think he picks up my reluctance to talk about my situation.

We finish the evening in silence, him giving me a bowl of baked beans, which I nodded in thanks for, and he took the rest of the pot and sad beside me. It was a companionable silence, one that spoke of a sort of kinship. Kinship of being monsters.

I was glad to have it.

And that's the end of that chapter. Hope you guys didn't mind the style. Let me know if anything I do seems out or out of character and I'll try to fix it, promise.


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