Chapter 5: Meeting Old Friends...Sorta

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"I don't want to go in," I complained, my voice going up a pitch. Was I scared? Maybe. I don't know if excited fit in with that as well, but it should. The two emotions go good more ways than one.

"He wouldn't leave when we turned him away. You have to kiddo. We don't need anymore attention than what we already have after the big fiasco with the near end of the world," Logan pushes me-tries to-through the doorway, but I brace myself.

"I. Don't. Want. To. Go. IN!" I shove off and try to make a run for it. No such luck. An unfairly large opponent wraps me up in his arms before throwing me into the next room.

"Whatever it is, work it out!" And then I'm left alone with him.

Back when I first wrote who was a friend to you, I hadn't expected to get him involved in my life. I don't know if you've figure it out yet. You don't talk much, y'know? Plus, can no one call on me in some other room besides yours in the infirmary?!

"So you're Chrys..." that cool voice, deep with a sense of curiosity. Oh god, it's worse than I though it was. "I was...not expecting you."

"I was told that you were. Guess we both got a surprise, Stars and Stripes." My nicknames causes the man to flinch...and then turn. I was fine until this.

His hair is a light blond, sandy-ish if I had to specify. It's flipped up slightly, but I wouldn't know what to properly call it since I'm not into fashion and the whatnots of this age. Under that is the most beautifully sculpted face that chemically induced muscles can create and I have to bite my lip not to swoon at that jawline or those baby blue eyes holding mine captive for longer than was proper for a young girl such as myself to do.

Then his hell with me on the thoughts that just flashes through my mind. I'll spare you the utter humility and embarrassment of hearing a terrible ballad about those, but let's just say that his too tight white t-shirt hid nothing.

"Ma'am, I would ask that you refrain from using that nickname. It is enough to have it from a friend," he raised his hand as he stood from you bedside, causing me to flinch again. Keep your eyes on his, keep your eyes on his. Don't look d-d-down- "Are you doing well?"

"I'll be honest with you Captain?" At his nod, I continued. "I don't know who told you about me, but something tells me that you're here for more than to just make small talk with your friend's friend. I would appreciate cutting to the chase." That's advice that I should probably take for myself, but at least I can try to put it practice here.

"I'll take that you're doing well then. Most would seem to think pouring their heart out to me wins sympathy and a famous husband." Was that a joke? Maybe a subtle, yet serious attempt at one...

"I'm doing well, yes. I mourn, but I think she'll awaken soon. It's never permanent..." I let out, taking a seat in the chair on your other side. You look peaceful, at rest like this. That small smile on your lips...I like to think you're dreaming happy dreams.

"You talk as if you've known her a long time," Cap's voice is odd as he says this. Accusatory?

"Long enough, I guess. I don't think she'd leave this place like this. She would want to come back." I move a piece of hair out of your face, my hand faltering somewhat. "She has too much to lose."

"Don't we all?" I look up, but Cap has turned his eyes to me and changed the subject by that time. "I met an old friend who said they could help, but they made a mention of you."

"And you found me...?"

"I have my sources. Being an Avenger does have its advantages." Cap shakes his head. "She needs to talk to you."

"Of course she does. Isn't that what everyone wants to do? Talk to me instead of just leaving me to my work?!" I throw my hands up in the air, annoyance running straight through me. "The best way for me to help is to keep up my work-never mind. Who is it?"

Cap stares at me, stunned.

I don't think he was expecting that.


"Chrys, are you sure?" I'm standing in Charles office, having one last conversation with him before I leave.

"I've already told you Professor. It would be better for us all, me especially, if I got out for a bit. You know what's at stake. I have to do this. It's a lead I don't have. Maybe-maybe I can fix things." Charles studies me from his chair, his hand hovering as if reaching to comfort me somehow, but thinks better of it. How would he comfort me anyhow?

"I have a bad feeling Chrys. This isn't about (Y/N) specifically, but you too. You have to be sure...that this is for you too."

"I am Professor."

"Watch yourself," he sighs, rather resignedly if I must say so.

I clasp his hand, giving it a good, firm shake. "I'll be back soon, once I have some answers. I can't make everyone forget what a library is, now can I?" He chuckles before releasing me.

Peter disappeared this morning after discovering I was leaving. He bugged me until I told him I was headed to the Avenger's Tower and that's when he turned pale as a ghost. I hope he's alright. Damn it! What am I saying?

I'm acutely aware of Charles's eyes on me when I enter the black SUV awaiting to take me to my temporary home. Five days, we're planning, or that's what Cap told me. I'll meet everyone once we get there...and then I'll get to meet my fate spinner.

She can help me figure out what's going on, how to help you. I want to wake you up, but I'm running out of ideas. This is my last shot at it. Hopefully something will get revealed that I didn't see, that's been veiled to me.

Why is leaving the X-Mansion feel like saying goodbye?

*starts humming* I don't know what to tell ya'll.


A World RememberedDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora