Chapter 10: Fate is Not Spun Yet

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"Thanks Nat." Steve is currently sitting at the breakfast bar and I'm right beside him, watching Nat hand him his coffee. These two had a good relationship it seemed. I would peg them as really good friends. His blonde hair is a mess, and some of it is ticking up like a Alfalfa's. Natasha was getting an energy drink before going back to the gym section of the Tower. I had no doubt that's where she spent a lot of her time.

It was where I would not spend mine however. Even now, I write to keep my mind off the upcoming conversation that was bound to happen at some point to happen. I have an idea of the ending of the story, a conclusion, but it will hold a bit of strife for those involved. I don't know whether to do it this way, but my mind is swaying. I am writing two different paths, so that when it comes to it, I may choose which to activate.

One could say I was a mutant, in a way.

"Kiddo, you ready to go?" I look up to find a certain soldier peering at me, taking a sip from his drink.

"Uh, sure." I grasp my notebook, shutting it as I follow the super soldier through the same path as when Vision lead me out. I laugh aloud when the yellow bug comes into sight. Inconspicuous alright. I loved that part of the Civil War movie, although I don't think that's occurred here already.

"It's not that funny!" He complains and I laugh harder. I somehow make it into the passenger seat with no issue (such as falling, tripping, grabbing and squeezing a giant, beautiful STOP DROOLING bicep) whatsoever. Good job me!

"Look, it wasn't that. I just found it funny that it took me getting to know the Avengers to finally ride in the car of my dreams," I admit, a smile still on my face.

"An old Bug is the car of your dreams?" Steve snorts, starting up the car and pulling us into the traffic.

"Quite frankly, yes. I love these cars. Just big enough for me, myself, and I." I look out the window. Even with it being most people's work hours, the sidewalks are still crowded, making it difficult to look at what all the buildings are. "I never was one to carry people everywhere. Didn't have enough friends to do much either. Plus, who wants a big car?"

"Tell that to Tony." Steve weaves around a few different cars. I look back and find them to be elderly people then at Steve. He was older than them. The thought of him passing them made me giggle quietly.

"I have a lot to tell Tony and none of it is something as nice as that," I reply, remembering what had happened this morning.

"What did he do this time?"

"Apparently I wasn't as welcome by him as you. On top of that, he called me a rat to swans this morning..."

"That's makes no sense."

"I know, right?"

We lapse into a silence. It was just normal silence, not awkward or tense. We were at peace with each other. I can't figure out whether Steve knows what I've done. If he does, he's awful understanding.

We come to a stop in front of one of those old nightclubs, the one's that could have been here as a pub at the beginning of New York City. I don't know much history about the place. Never was interested cause of all the hype. A bit weird? Anything that gets a lot of hype, I tend to lose interest in.

"She's here, I believe. Wouldn't tell me who she was or anything. Just said that talking to you would be "the most important thing I ever did.'" I raise an eyebrow at him as him opens to the door for me.

"Thanks. So you're not friends then?"

"I only said that to get you to come with me."


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