Overdue Rant That Has Been Bubbling in My Anus for Three Months Now

Start from the beginning

Anyway, I wasn't completely blind when I first watched SS, of course. You know, somethings like the fact that Amanda Waller (an okay performance by Viola Davis) put these essentially human dudes--besides Killer Croc, (who is still useless in a plot like this and proved so in the movie, but that was also the movies fault.) and of course Diablo (he was the only one who had powers that were useful, but didn't use them?!)--against metahumans that are way out of their league, Joker being MIA for 98.9% of the movie and when he did appear I wanted him to go away, the Joker's whack henchmens, pointless anti-heroes, weak character development/introductions (and sometimes lack of thereof), and the infamous editing ordeal following the movie. Nonetheless, I still had hope that SS could have been amazing under different circumstances or if stuff wasn't cut.

Yeah. Ha. I was wrong, of course.

One of the things that turned me off was when Diablo called the SS his fucking family? That was weird and random as hell. He barely talked, was depressed the entire time, and they only knew each other for what? A couple of hours? Some couple of  days? I'm guessing the little nit-picker in me disappeared for the time being and decided to enjoy what was given to me: Deadshot. He was the only sort of well done character, but I felt like they spent too much time on him when they could have gave more interesting characters an actual role in the movie and a fucking backstory! Katana and Slipknot didn't deserve this disrespect! With a different plot that made sense, they could have been so fucking rad!

Also, the way they defeated Enchantress was the biggest cop-out I've seen for a movie in a while. How the fuck does a bomb, and Deadshot shooting at it defeat basically a demigod witch's portal? Diablo was the only one who had an actual legit cool ass power and they killed his ass off! What the fuck?!

There was so many plot holes in this, it's hard to think of all of them without dying.

Anyway, I've been a fan of the TV shows for Batman since I was like eight, because of my sisters and cousins. I even dabbled in some comics in middle school. (*Sighs*) He was the most comic book hero I was familiar with and he was just my favorite by default and familiarity. Batman is just my childhood at this point lol. Basically, I kind of got off of anything DC related after TDKR (sort of). Because besides Batman, I really consider myself a casual fan...that knows a bit too much about Batman, but doesn't care about the majority of DC or Marvel (ew...I'm exaggerating, but idc), etc. Also, being a comic book fan is a bit time consuming, so I had to back off lol.

Looking at all the harsh criticism now makes complete sense. Suicide Squad is so bad. I don't think I can stress it enough. One thing that makes me want to gauge my eyes out is Jared Leto. Some of you may be a fan of his, but the dude has been an annoying shit stain for centuries, is overrated(I won't even get into the nastiness as his role of a stereotypical transgender woman in Dallas Buyer's Club, which literally just shitted on every trans woman's face. The dude was playing a caricature because he's a privileged cis straight white male), ugly in every way, cardboard personality, pretentious as fuck, whack as fuck, Mr. Nobody pissed me off to no end, and is a rapist. You guys can see how much I don't like him. I hardly say I hate people, but he's probably the most unlikable celebrity. At least to me.

Besides him being a cancer of a person, I was still actually pumped for his rendition of the Joker--believe it or not. More so, I just like the Joker...well, the concept of the Joker. He's the ultimate antagonist for Batman, we know this. However, I truly did hate him in the Batman animated series because how much of a piece of shit he was to Harley, but that was the point. Fuck him killing people, I felt bad for Harley a lot as a kid and I hated their relationship lmao. Whoever ships them are gross as fuck. I don't care, I'm judging you. Their relationship is toxic and abusive. It doesn't mater though bc Mark Hamill does a fantastic job at voice acting and it's just a known fact that he is the legendary and definitive Joker.

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