"emily, don't tell me i have to tickle you to make you feel better." jacob smirked a little. 

"jacob, no, you don't." the girl said. but to no avail - jacob was already walking towards her and soon tickling her sides. he looked at emily's face to see a reaction. her lips opened wide in a smile and giggles started pouring out of them. that's a state the boy wanted to see his friend always in. 

jacob's fingers danced along her sides faster to make her laugh even more and she did. "i-i can't... breathe, jacob..." she said between giggles and small pants. jacob backed away a little with a satisfied smile on his features. "happy now?" emily asked.

"i hope you are." jacob responded. the blue haired girl chuckled. 

"so, i already packed most of my clothes and girly things," emily started to say, taking a piece of paper from her desk, "and all we need to do is gather the things on the floor and some other stuff." 

"okay." jacob nodded. "what's on that paper?"

"uh, it's... school things." emily answered. but it wasn't school things, it was the list of things to pack, but it had jacob's name all over it. jacob couldn't find out about that, so emily just didn't tell what it actually was. "nothing important." she scrunched it up in a ball and put it back on her desk. emily turned back to jacob. "let's do this." she said, rolling up her sleeves. jacob nodded and took off his sweater, leaving him in only jeans and a shirt. 

they got emily's things packed in about an hour and a half. clothes, shoes, notebooks, underwear, makeup and books were stocked in a huge black suitcase and a pastel blue backpack. it was emily's favourite colour. it reminded her of water waves that you can see in the south lands or islands. she, her parents and her brother went to hawaii when emily was six or seven years old, it was her second favourite place in the world. until she met jacob. now her favourite place was wherever he was.

emily was folding things and walking across the room in a fast pace, the movements looking kind of ragged. jacob saw it as nervous movements. he, on the other hand, was doing everything slowly and carefully. could emily be stressed about this so much that it reflected in her "everyday" actions?

jacob walked over to emily's opened and full suitcase and saw how different were the clothes he packed and the ones emily packed. he sighed. "emily." he said, making his friend immediately turn her attention to him.

"huh?" she asked. 

"come here." jacob said to her. emily hurriedly walked over to the boy and looked where he was looking - down at the suitcase. "we have to repack your clothes and things." he stated.

"why?" emily furrowed her eyebrows. "i don't see a problem anywhere."

"look how neatly folded and packed are the things i packed." he said. emily did and nodded. "and now look at yours." she turned her eyes to the side of clothes packed by her. "they're not neat."

"yes, but why would i care? i'm going to use them, no matter how nicely folded they are or not."

jacob sighed. "let's just unfold and fold them together. it'll help you calm down." he said and started taking out the messy clothes.

"i'm calm." emily responded. jacob was quiet for a few seconds, as he was finishing to take the clothes out. then he turned to emily again.

"you're not." he replied. emily raised an eyebrow in disbelief. "o-okay, maybe you look like you are or-or you want to tell yourself you are, but you're not." jacob explained. "you're doing everything in nervous and fast actions. you immediately give off the vibe that you're stressed or nervous."

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