january 13th, 2016

379 11 0

~ wait - m83 ~

" dear miss peregrine,

i write to you in hopes of earning understanding and acceptance.

i've heard you run a place for children that are special in some way. and i've found that my daughter, in fact, has... a power or something like that. there are no dead flies or anyone dead in the house, taking that she spends all of her time at the house. i don't know what exactly she can do, but i fear she doesn't know about it.

i hope that you have the patience and power to make her understand, maybe discover her power and such. but where would we find you? where are you and your children home?

i really want my daughter to have some kind of peace in her and get away from florida and... me and her father. we hadn't been on the best terms lately, so we think that if she spends time with another adult and perhaps even children, she would heal from... what it seems we've done to her.

thank you for reading this, i wish you well.

with admiration,

lilith claire. "

~ a week passes ~

" miss claire,

thank you for thinking of us and taking your time to write a letter. fortunately, i can help your daughter. in fact, it would bring me joy to have a new child at my home.

i hope the things you've heard about me and my children are only the best. we've tried to keep ourselves secret, so when we do meet, you will tell me how you found out about us.

speaking of meeting us. we are to be found at cairnholm, wales, a little island you have to get to by the ferry. come to us and your child will get further information about how to find us there.

i hope the terms you and your daughter are on aren't the worst ones because i will be there to help her grow her power, not heal family conflicts. 

my children will be very happy to have a new friend and i hope your daughter will stay for quite some time.

i wish you best,

alma peregrine. "

"emily?" the mother called from the other side of emily's room door. the girl hummed, singalling for her mother to enter. the woman opened the door and stepped in partly.

emily was sitting on the floor with her back pressed against the bed and her laptop in her lap. she raised her head, looking at her mother with a numb expression on her face. 

"we... me and your father have to talk with you." lilith said. 

"okay." emily responded, turning her eyes back to the laptop screen. "what's in your hands?" she then asked.

lilith looked down at the yellowish, folded piece of paper and then looked back at emily.

"oh, nothing, just work.." she lied. "which is why we need to talk to you." lilith paused. "could you come downstairs in a few seconds?"

"sure." emily said. lilith nodded and exited her daughter's room. the woman walked down the stairs of her house, sitting next to her husband at the dining table. 

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