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I wince getting up still gripping onto Simons hand. I didn't realise how much this would hurt, I look into the mirror seeing the elegant handwriting now permanently inked onto my body.

"Okay Simon I'll clean up and then get started on you."

"Okay." He said pulling his hand out of mine and playing with his fingers.

"You scared Simon." I asked.

"Can't hurt that bad." He can't be serious, "But would you still hold my hand."

"Sure." I smile watching him brush his hair with his slender fingers.

"Alright Simon." Out artist put fresh gloves on, "Jumper and top off and lay on your stomach."

"Okay." He muttered and reluctantly put them in my arms, "It's really cold in here isn't it?"

"I guess." I say noticing him trying to make his body as small a possible when getting on the bed, "Hand?"

He placed his soft hand in mine shaking most likely out of fear. I could hear his heavy breathing in my ear.

"Okay Simon were about to start."

"Alright." He whispered, "Just do it."

I sit their listening to the buzzing off the machine, no noise escapes Simons tightly sealed mouth. It would seem like he wasn't in pain but the scrunched up face and the fingernails digging into my hand tell a different story. I'm not sure if he's trying to prove he's tough or what? It's not like I care about that and I'm pretty sure the tattoo artist wouldn't care, he must have loads of people in here it's not like he cares how tough any of them are.

I take my other hand and run it down the inside of Simons arm before I feel a long bump. Simon doesn't say anything but I feel his arm tense up. Theirs only a few things this could be but the one that springs to mind isn't something that Simon would do.

Is it?

I mean Simon has never and this is far to large to be some daily thing. He wouldn't have would he?

Authors note

What do you guys think JJ is thinking?

Also I plan to make the next few chapters hopefully quite dramatic with crying.

Hugs, kisses and peace ✌🏻️

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