Only be him

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He knocked again. It would only be him. Simon whatever his name, he won't quit. He knocked every night for two weeks now, stayed their until I opened the door. One night he sat outside the door. He only left when I left for work the next day. I don't get why he cares. I don't care about myself so why does he?

"JJ let me in."

I shakily stand and unlock the door, simon looks shocked to see me open it on the first shout.

"I'm alive."

"I can see that." He smiles as I let him in, "I'm glad you didn't ignore me today."


"Want to open up?" He asked and a shook my head, "It's good to talk."

"Not in the mood." I mutter scratching at my arms under my hoodie, if I keep this up they will probably start bleeding again.

"Okay." He said, "Do you work Sunday's?"

I shake my head, "Look simon it's cool you coming here and all but I'm fine."

"Your not don't pretend."

"Simon." I mutter.

"JJ." He puts his hand on mine to stop me scratching, I'm sure he guessed about the cuts by now, "Talk to me."

"I can't." And with that I go silent.

I didn't choose too, it happens often, I just can't speak. I wanted to tell Simon I just couldn't speak, I wanted tell him I had no choice but when I tried to speak no words came out. I tried to respond to him telling me he's here but I couldn't.

It's fine when I'm alone. All I would do is scream anyway. When I'm around simon it's not as if I can leave it. It's a big deal now.

"JJ?" I try to speak again but I can't, "Can you say anything."

I once again try to speak but I end up shacking my head.

"This happened before?" I once again try to speak but however much I try the word yes refuses to leave my mouth so I nod, "Often?"

Another nod.

"I'm going to stay here with you." I shake my head, "At least until you can talk again."

I keep shacking my head but he just sits their and gets out his phone, "My wifi works here living next door so u can't make me leave. Wait you got a iPhone 6 charger?"

I shake my head. I haven't got a phone let alone a iPhone 6, the only technology I have is what was left behind from my family. Things I keep with me yet refuse to use. 

"Alright try talk every so often okay." I nod and curl up on the floor, time to see if I can sleep it off.

"Night JJ." Simon curled up on my sofa with the bright light from his phone casting shadows on the walls as the sun starts to set.

It's strange simon being here, ever since everything has happened nobody cared. Nobody forced themselves in my life because they cared yet simon, a random guy that lives next door, cares enough to stand knocking at my door just to see if I am okay. I don't know what to think of this.

What if it's a trap?

What if the same thing happens again. Everyone who I care about has disappeared. They are probably dead. It can't happen again.

I hear a faint snore from simon and smile. I haven't heard that sound in years.

"Night simon." I whisper shocked at the noise coming out my mouth, "Thank you."

Authors note

I'm addicted to American horror story right now. I would have updates yesterday if I remembered but I'm dumb.

Hugs, kisses and peace ✌🏻️

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