Ding dong.

There went the doorbell. Letting in the pack door, I tried to explain the situation.

"Please tend to him." I told him, and quickly switched my gaze to Alexia. The pack doctor nodded with a sniff of the air, aware that she is a human.

The doctor kneels before the unconscious Alpha.

"Let's see." He examined Alec's neck. After a short while, he took a syringe out of his bag and took in a red liquid from a glass cylinder with it.

"What's that?" Alexia asked with confusion.

"W. A." The doctor didn't say anything else.

W. A. was known as the Werewolf Antidote. The code was used amongst the doctors to hide the existence of werewolves.

Now you might be confused on why it is called the Werewolf antidote since it doesn't make you human... but it does help your wolf heal.

He was injected with the purest form of silver, a really rare species as well. I thought it was erased from the face of the earth but it looks like it wasn't.
The pack doctor informed me quickly and I nodded.

Shouldn't we just wait till he wakes up? That's what we usually do when silver knocks us out cold?
I asked the doctor through the mind link.

The dose is too high, if extra amount was added we might not even would have been able to save him. Hell, if he was a regular wolf he would be already dead. Alpha King's powerful genes were strong enough to wistand the toxin.
He explained it to me once again.

"Never heard of it." Alexia muttered and I regained my attention back on her.

Oh course you didn't, I wanted to say, but refrained myself from doing so.

The pack doctor was about to stab the injection into Alec's neck but Alexia stopped him, panic covering her face.

"Do you know what you're doing?" She asked quickly with suspicious eyes.

"I am a doctor. Of course I do!" He exclaimed with a slight growl, annoyed that he was interrupted as he was doing his job.

"Patrick." I gave him a warning look. Alexia wasn't supposed to know about us.

"Sorry." She muttered with slightly wide eyes.

Patrick carefully injected the liquid into Alec's system, and watched intricately to the reaction.

The usual effect of a werewolf to the antidote is to regain consciousness after mere seconds. This, however, Alec remained laying like a troop.

"Is everything okay?" I questioned. I knew from experience this wasn't supposed to happen.

"Oh, no. I would be damned if it didn't work." The pack doctor blew out a laugh.

"Then why is he not waking up?" I jerked my chin at Alec's still form, with a little bit of frustration in my tone.

"The anti... thing needs to go around his bloodstream. Aha!" The doctor exclaimed and slapped Alec across the face.


Alec sprung to his feet and once locked eyes with Alexia, she released a breath.

"He was here!" Alec growled out and flipped out the table, smashing it to pieces.

"Alexia, can you please get a brush to clean up the mess?" I smiled quickly at her surprised figure at the sight of how mad Alec was.

"Okay," she rushed out compliantly with fear visible on her pale face.

The Werewolf CEO 1 of The CEO SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now