Start from the beginning

"Aren't you supposed to be learning the spells?" Mysha asked.

"Yea, I suppose I've been learning them for quite a while, so I decided to take break!" I  elaborated.

"You've only been learning for 15 mins." Delilah said.

"Shh. We don't speak of the duration of the study session." Danny whispered.

"Why the hell are you whispering?" I asked.

"I don't know, I just felt like it gave more emotion to the statement." He replied.

Sometimes I don't understand this dork, like right now. But that's ok, because I am weird too. Just be yourself people! Don't let anyone including yourself let you be otherwise, because it is not worth it. I have no idea why did I become inspirational all of a sudden.

"Take a picture. As it lasts longer and also, staring is rude." Danny said, snapping me back to reality.

"Sorry! I didn't realize I was staring at you, I got lost in my thoughts." I said, sort of freaking out because I've never done anything like this.

"Why are you so concerned all of a sudden? It happens, just relax." Mysha said.

"I don't know why, it's just that this is something I've tired hard not to do and now I did that too to the person I am the most closest to. I just made him feel really awkward and I feel horrible for that and--"

"Jesy, you're rambling." Delilah said, interrupting.

Danny just laughed at this entire situation, which I don't understand why?

"Why are you laughing Daniel?" I asked.

"This just seems funny to me, and where did that Daniel come from?" Danny said.

"I am just trying new things." I said and then gave him a cheeky wink.

"Sometimes I don't understand you." Mysha said

"That's because I am me and you are you, soon you might start to understand me." I said.

Mysha just gave me an odd look.

"What's that even supposed to mean?" Delilah asked.

"Yea, care to explain?" Danny said.

"I have no clue what I just said either. I just rambled some sheesh kebabs trying to be deep." I said air quoting the word "deep" and also not trying to curse because we've got a seven year old sitting with us.

"You're weird." Mysha said.

"I know." Delilah said.

"Couldn't agree more." Danny included.

"Oh my god stop bullying me, you bullies!" I exclaimed.

We just laughed at that weird statement of mine. Hopefully we can go back just with this attitude. The Positive One! I am just praying for the best.

"Here we see, Jasmine has wandered off to her world of thoughts." Danny said, breaking my "thinking session"

"Sorry!" I exclaimed.

"Jeez, why do you have to apologize for everything?" Delilah asked.

"Sorry!" I said again.

"You just said sorry again." Mysha said.

"So- I am not gonna say it again." I said.

"That's gonna make you meano." Danny said as a matter of fact.

"Oh yea, I didn't think about that. Ugh whatever, I will just say sorry when I have to say sorry." I said.

"Why are we even discussing this?" Mysha asked.

"Because we're adults, this is really important." Danny answered.

"I hope she grows up to become a normal adult." Delilah said.

"I take offense to that." I said.

"Yeah. What do you mean by that Delilah?" Danny asked.

"I meant what I said." Delilah said.

"Oh burn!" I exclaimed.

"What the? Jasmime you're supposed to be on my side!" Danny said.

"I know, but that comeback was just too sassy." I said.

"Jesus if you're up there, please help me." Mysha said talking to the skies.

"Aww. Sorry honey, I'll go back to learning spells now." I said and started to proceed my way upstairs.

*le first time skip of le story*

Praise the Lord hallelujah! I finished learning the spells! Learning the spells, check. Now we gotta practice them and hopefully I won't mess up like Danny did.  I am so proud of myself right now. I can't believe it! I wonder how long it took me to learn them. Meh, who cares. I learned the spells! That's what matters. I guess. Maybe. I don't know.

After about what felt like millions of hours, I finally get up, in a weird manner because my butt has gone completely numb! It is weird that I am talking about my butt. Ok I'll stop.

Time to go and practice some spells! Yahoo! I don't think anyone says "yahoo" anymore, anyways, it is practice time!

*le another time skip of le story*

"Léviter." I said pointing at a plate with pure concentration. This needed to be perfect, because magic needs to be precise. One mistake and you might end up being a horse, tyring to be a dog, permanently.

"Oh my god! Jesy! It's working!" Mysha exclaimed. She is such a sweetheart.

"I can't believe it either!" I exclaimed with the same amount of excitement as Mysha.

I do a little swinging around with the plate, having some fun with it and at the same it being careful because I don't want to break someone's head.

"What's all the excitement abo-- Holy! Jasmine, you're doing great!" Danny said.

"Thanks!" I said and brought the plate back to its origin.

That was enough for today. Don't wanna have any casualties before the battle. We have to be strong in every single place. Can't let that stupid The Shadow win. He'll ruin the world.

"Guys! I've got bad news." Delilah enters the mansion with a very tensed look.

Oh. No. I wonder what it could be?

'What? What is it?" Mysha asked.

"Delilah have a seat first." I said.

"Here have some water." Danny said, handing her a glass of water.

She drinks the water and calms herself down. After she feels fine she tell us the words I wan't ready to hear at all.

"The war begins." Delilah said.


A/N: Hey Guys! Did I give you a big shock? Or according to today's language, did I leave you shook? It was pretty big one for me, I think I killed myself by giving a heart attack to me when I wrote the last few words of this chapter. I am also very sad to say that we're a little bit more than half of the book, meaning that Trapped Inside might end anytime. Approximately anytime during December maybe? Could be November as well. Anyways, I hope you guys liked that chapter, if you did then please vote. It would mean so much to me. And if you guys have any suggestions you can leave them in the comments. I hope you have a good day or night!

Razi xx

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