Scars and broken hearts

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*in front of the school*

"Babe, if you're not up for school you don't have to go. You can just stay at my house. " you say a little worried. "I love you. " he says then leans in for a kiss. "But I'm fine, besides with you by my side I'll be alright."

*buzz buzz*
You felt your phone vibrate in your pocket. You pulled it out your pocket and seen you had 2 unseen text messages.

The first one was from Kellin he sent a sick face emoji and said call him later.

The second one read:

Mmmmm you ugly bitch you dont know how to stay away from things that aren't yours do you. Im gonna make your life a living hell. Have fun with a little bitch like Andy anyways. I got my eyes on some one else you're close with. Hehe.

Your facial expression was saying what the fuck. "What's the matter (y/n)?" Andy asked looking into your eyes. You gave him the phone and he read the message. "Ignore it." He says handing you your phone and hugged you. Your head was on his chest as he kissed the top of your head.
"Awe how cute." An annoying voice said. You turn to see Chelsea , Miranda and Ariana. "What do you want?" Andy said. "You of course. " she says walking up to him. She reaches to grab his hand but you grab it first. "Andy. We both know you miss me. This thing is just a rebound." She says pointing towards you. He smacks her hand away from you.
"First off stop texting her second off shes not a thing or a rebound so why dont you just fuck off. " he says standing up for you. (Teehehe bc thats what a mans suppose to do alright im shushing now lol. ) "why are you making this so hard." She says in a whiny voice. "I'm not making anything hard for you, you're a bitch and i dont want nothing to do with you." He says pulling you away from the scene.
He looks at you and smiles. You smile back and hold onto his arm. "Are you okay babe?" He asks. "Much better." You say as he leans down to give you a wet kiss. "I think we should go to class now. What do you think?" He asks grinning. "Yeah that sounds like a good idea." You say smiling at him. "Do you want me to walk you to class?" He asks as you two walk inside the school building. "Why yes kind sir that would be lovely." You say in a British accent. He laughs. "I love you, silly."

*time skip into your first period*

With a pen in your hand and classwork on your desk now you just sit in silence (HAHAHAHHAHA) "ugh." you say aloud. "Is there a problem ms.(l/n)?" Mr.kawinsky asked. Suddenly the door opens. "Sorry I'm late." A boy says interrupting so you just start staring at your paper. "Mr.Sykes thank you for interrupting a conversation." He responds to the late boy. You look up and see Oliver. "Hey (y/n)." Oliver yells from the front of the class. You laugh and wave. He walks to the back of the class and pulls out a seat next to you. "So what you been up to?" He questions. "Unfortunately this classwork." You laugh. He smiles. "What about you?" You ask. "Good. Good." He ignores your question nodding slowly. "Hey uh are we friends?" Oliver asks. "Why would you ask such a stupid question?" You ask. "Of course we're friends." You add on. "Oh okay thats cool." He chuckles. He starts working on the class work but you can't help but stare at his wrist. His long sleeve shirt starts to expose his arm and you could see scars but not old scars the new fresh kind. You grab his wrist. "WHAT IS THIS?!" You yell. Everyone in the class turns around. You quickly let go of his arm. "Mr.Kawinsky me and oliver need to talk its important." You say. "Quickly." He responds. You grab Olivers hand and take him outside the classroom. "Why? Whats wrong? How could you do this to your self?" You ask impatiently. "This way i have control of the way i feel inside..." he saids looking down. "I'm... sorry for asking..." you say. "Why do you care?!" He says trying to yell but he couldn't help to fall apart. "Im sorry I'm sorry." He says. "Whats wrong? Just tell me whats wrong. We're friends and i wont judge you. Ever, I promise. " you say. "Its hard. Everythings so hard. I didn't know i would upset someone. Im sorry. I'm really sorry. " he says crying even harder. "You don't have to apologize to me. Just dont cut no more please." You begged him. "Okay I'll try not to." he says looking at you. "Promise me, Oliver. " you say as you look into his eyes. "I promise." He says throwing in a smile. You hug him. "Im glad we met i don't know what would've happened if i didn't notice and i wouldn't even want to think about it." You said still hugging him. "Uh." A voice says behind and coughs to get your attention." You stopped hugging Oliver and turned around to see who it was. "Am i interrupting anything?" Andy ask with a very a confused but jealous face. "No we were just talking." You say smiling at him. "That's how it starts." He says looking away. "Hey man we were just talking she helped me out alot." Oliver buts in. "Shut the fuck up." Andy says. "Don't talk to him like that!" You yell at Andy. "You know what you and your new little boyfriend can fuck off." Andy yells as he walks off. "Dont you dare do that ANDREW BIERSACK. Dont you dare breakup with me over something so little." You yell at him. He turns around staring at you. "You are just like Chelsea. Shitty as fuck and I had enough of  shitty people." Andy said. "You didnt even let me say much or explain." You say as you start crying. He continues to walk off. "It'll be okay." Oliver says. "I'll straighten it out i promise." He says. You crack a little smile. "Thanks. Im going to head home. Tell Mr.K i didnt feel good would ya?" You asked Oliver. "Of course." He says and walks into the class.

*time skip*

*Home alone you sink in your thoughts. Why is Andy acting like a fucking dick. He didn't even let me explain let alone even try to understand.*

"UGH!" You scream outloud. You grab your phone and start texting Andy.

You: look i swear it wasnt what you thought i was just helping him through rough times babe im sorry i yelled at you i am please dont do this.......
You: c''mon say something pleaseeeeeeeeee

Andy: hey.

You: hey.

Andy: Im sorry for acting the way that i did.

You: its okay. Im sorry too. :(

Andy: your fren cleared everything up.

You: yeah?

Andy: your such an amazing person.

You: i guess so.

Andy: can i come over?

You: please do....

Andy: I love you. <3

You: I love you too

Tell me some things last( Andy Biersack x reader story)Where stories live. Discover now