Your hero :3

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Beep beep beep . The alarm clock screamed at you. You woke up hitting it to make it stop. As soon as it's silent you groan. "Dammit... I live to see another day." You lay in bed wondering how school is gonna go today you roll your eyes looking towards the clock. "ughhhhh." you say noticing you've been laying there for more than 7 minutes . You get up and head to the bath room to take a refreshing shower .
15 minutes later. You wrap the towl around you and head over to the cabinet and pull your blowdryer out. You plug it in and start blow drying your short colorful hair. It took you approximately 25 minutes to get finished your hair and walk to your room to pick out your outfit for today. You grab your ripped black jeans and your My chemical romance tee. When you finished getting dressed you walk over to your dresser to grab your black gauges and your choker. You put them on. Before you headed out your room you threw on your black and white cons grab your batman bookbag and your phone.
You was almost to the steps until you heard a snore. You checked the time on your phone and knew it was way to late for your mom to be still home. You walk to her room slowly and opened the bedroom door and seen that it was your dad. You thought to yourself *I thought they broken up. Well I must've thought wrong* You go about your business and leave to go to school.
As you were on your way to school you throw on your headphones put on your favorite song and turn them up to the max. You turn the corner and see three girls talking all wearing pink with long curly hair like they were freaking barbie dolls. You walk pass them trying not to make eye contact with the barbie wanna bees but they notice you anyway. The one in the middle says something but you didn't hear her bc your loud ass headphones. The left one grabs your shoulder turning you to face them before you could get out of reach.
You pull out your headphones to hear what the bitties want. "I said hello slut." The middle one says flipping her long blonde hair to the back. All you do is stare. "The dumb bitch must not speak English.... Helllllloooooo slutttt." The one on the right says slowly. You roll your eyes turn around and attempt to continue your walk to school but the middle one turns you back around.
"Look you must not know who i..." The one on the right interrupted by coughing making sure she didn't forget about her and the one on the left. "I mean who We are. Now Let me show you." She said as she pushed you down making you fall to the ground. "What the hell is your problem!" You yell as you get up. "Nothing obvi, you just need to realize who we are babygirl." The one on the left says as she smiles at you.
The one on the right pushes you. The one in the middle grabs your hair before you could fall to the ground again. The one on the left starts hitting you in your chest while the one in the middle is still grabbing on to your hair. She tosses you down and the one on the right gets on top of you pounding you in your face. Your nose starts to bleed. "Haha she's bleeding, Chelsea." The on top of you says to the one who was in the middle. "Awe should we stop, Miranda?" She responds to the one whose on top.
"No, plus it's my turn." The one on the left butted in and said. "Fine by me, Ariana." Miranda says grinning and getting up so Ariana could get "her turn". She starts pounding on your face while Chelsea & Miranda kicks your side. You suddenly see someone push Ariana off of you. You try to make out their face but your vision starts to get blurry. Yours eyelids suddenly get heavier and heavier until you see nothing but darkness....
You wake up and sit up to start looking around at your surroundings. The room you are in is dark only thing you can see is a purple lava lamp next to the bed your sitting on. You don't remember much except the fact that you got your ass kicked for no reason at all.
You suddenly hear footsteps approaching all you can see is a dark figure you try to make it out but you still can't see. The dark figure continues to walk towards you slowly coming out from the dark. "Ahh, your finally awake. Lemme me introduce myself. My name Is Andy... Andy Biersack. And I basically saved your life from those bratz. How are you feeling by the way?" The dark figures deep voice says. All you could do is stare. "Oh sorry let me turn on the light for you." The dark figure said walking away to flip the light switch. As he turns around you finally get a better look at your surroundings. He starts to walk over to you, you get a better look at him. An Damn he is beautiful. You try not to smile on the outside but on the inside honey you is going crazy.
He sits at the end of the bed looking at you. "Gosh, why did they do that to you?" He asked. You finally speak. "They said they wanted me to relize who they were..." You said looking down into your lap. "That doesn't give them the right to just bank you." He said scooting closer to you. He lifts your head up and asks "Are you okay." You look into his eyes. "Yeah. Now that I'm with you." You smile. He smiles back.
"Its (y/n) ..... (Y/n) (l/n)." You say giving him your name. "That's a beautiful name." He responds making you blush. "Would you like to get cleaned up, (y/n)?" He says brushing your hair out of your face. You nod your head up and down. "Okay. Let me get you some clothes and a towl. I mean you wouldn't want to go to school all bloody." He says getting up and walking towards his closet.
Dammit you thought to yourself *school I'm gonna get in so much trouble* You stop worring about it and start asking questions *I mean who would want to be in a house with a total stranger* "Andy? Is it. Uhmm how old are you?" You say curiously. "Yeah hehe, It's Andy and I'm 17." He says with a smile. "Well in that case. What school do you go to? Why did you help me? Where am I exactly? Where are your parents? And Did you beat those girls up?" You say with one eye brow going up. "Haha. Put the eyebrow down missy." He says grinning at you. "I go to the school down the street. I helped you bc you needed it. We're Obviously at my house, haha. My parents are at work. And yeah i beat them up." Your face went from smiling to very serious. "Pshye I'm just kidding. But i told them not to mess with you no more or they would have to deal with my fury." He said balling his fist and putting up towards the ceiling. You laugh at his silliness.
"Well here." He says while passing you a balck shirt with white stripes and a towl. "The bathroom is down the hall you can't miss it, its the only room with a toilet." He adds on. You smile at him and grab the stuff out of his hands. You start to walk out the room towards the bathroom."Be careful." He says "Why?" You asks. "Bc the boogeyman is always watching." He laughs. "Hahaha.... No not funny" you say continuing your journey to the bathroom. He smiles as you walk away. You get to the bathroom and start cleaning yourself up.
25 minutes later. When you were finished you left out the bathroom and walked back to Andy's room. He looks at you and smiles."What?" You ask "Nothing You just look cute in my clothes thats all." He says with a grin. All you could do is smile back. He looks at the time. "You ready to leave out?" He asks. You look down at your fingertips. "Yeah i guess...... Do you have my phone?." He walks over to his dresser and grabs your phone." I'm sorry I couldn't save your headphones." He frowns. "Aweh hehe, its okay i got tons at home." You say lifting his head up. He stares into your big beautiful eyes.
"Thank you, Andy for helping me out." You say smiling. "No problem (y/n)." He says smiling back. You look at the time. "Shit I'm so late." You say." Its okay you can just tell them what happened." He responds trying to give you a solution. "NOOO!!" You yell. "Why?" He asks. "What if those girls bank me bc i snitched or something....." you say with fear in your tone. He gives you a hug. Still holding you he relplies. " I Promise I won't let them hurt (y/n)." He kisses your forehead and grabs your hand leading you out to go to school.
As you walk outside you notice that your school is only a couple blocks away from where Andy lives. "What school do you go to?" He asks. "The one up the street from here." You say responding to him. He stares at you for a bit." You sure you go there bc I've been there since my freshman year and i have never seen your beautiful face there." He smirks. You smile. "Yeah, been there since my freshman year too." You said. "What grade are you in now missy?" He asks." I'm sorry but that's classified." You say laughing. "Pshye, I'm in the tenth. Unlike you Mr. Seventeen." He laughs. "It's all good bc next year I'm going to be right out that door, hehe unlike you." He says laughing.
"Come on. Lets get to school." He says grabbing your hand. You look at him with worry. "Stop that." He says. "Stop what?" You question. "Making that face like somthing is going to happen.... (Y/n) (l/n), No one is going to hurt you. Not while I'm around." He says smiling at you. You smile back.
"I.. Gotta let you know something though." He says turning his smile into a serious face. "I'm listening." You respond. "You remember those girls." He says looking at you. You nodd. "Well one of them is my ex girlfriend." He says. "Oh, Which one?" You ask curiosly. "Chelsea." He says with a disgusted face. "When did y'all breakup. "Today." He says. "Why? Was it because of me?" You ask. "No... I mean not all was bc of you but bc she thinks she can get away with anything probably even murder only bc her daddy owns so much money. She goes around beating up anyone with Miranda & Ariana randomly with no reason what so ever." He says with an angry face. "And then i seen them banking you today and I just knew I couldn't be with a monster like her no more. I was gonna break up with her sooner but i always remembered why I wanted to be with her in the first place. She was my world." He says with a frown looking down at the ground.
You lift his head up. "It's okay. You did what you thought was the best decision. You guys must've been dating for a while." You say in a soft tone. "Yeah, if four years is a while..." He says. "Wow." You say extending the o. "Yeah. But enough chitter chatter about that. We gotta get to school." He says throwing on a fake smile. You just stare at him thinking to yourself *Four years! Gosh thats a long ass time. There's no way he's gonna get over her anytime soon.*
Y'all arrive at school. You look at the time on your phone and sigh. "I haven't been this late since...... I can't even remember when i was this late." You say throwing your hand on your head. "Hehe. I'm always late so don't sweat it.." You look at him with a serious face. "You always come to school at 12:30?" You ask. "Nahh I just don't want you to worry." He says laughing. "Hahah. Well thanks you helped alot." You say being sarcastic. "I know." He says winking at you. You both start walking into the school. When your inside the building You see not a damn soul except yours an Andys in the hallway.
"What class do you have right now?" He asks. "Geometry." You say with an irritated face. "Hehe. Do you not like that class?" He asks laughing. "Not at all. Mr.Shanchez is always yelling about something to the point where we can't learn anything." You complain."Well i got lunch right now if you wanna join me you can." He says smiling at you. "Yeah. I'd like that." You say smiling back.
Andy grabs your hand pulling you towards the cafeteria. "Come oooooooooon, (y/n)." He says dragging you. "Wait wait.... I dont wanna..... i changed my mind i mean." You say with worry in your voice. "Awehh big bad (f/n), Is afraid of the big kids." He says in a baby voice. "Ha ha ha. So hilarious." You say sarcastically. "Aweh it's okay they don't bite. They're just as friendly as me... I mean most of them I think." He says with a smile. "You think... Ughhhh i think i should go to class." You say with fear in your voice. "Look at me. No one and i mean absolutely no one is gonna do anything bad to you... Okay (y/n). You just gotta trust me." He says smiling as he moves strands of your multicolored hair out of your face. You smile at him. "Okay. I trust you. I mean after all you did save me from those barbies." You say laughing. "That's bc I'm your hero from now on." He says kissing your forehead. "I know." You both giggle and walk into the cafeteria.
"ANDYYYYYYY!!!" You both turn around to see who was yelling his name. "Ronnie, hey wassup man." Andy responds. "Hey where you been this morning?" Ronnie asks. "Just saving my baby girl." He responds smiling at you while grabbing your hand. You start to blush. "Woah. Who is this?" Ronnie asks. "Hehe. This is (y/n). Im sorta her hero." He says. You start to giggle. "Hey (y/n), I'm Ronald but that sounds to much like the clown for McDonald's so i prefer Ronnie." He says while yall laugh. "Pleasure to meet you McDonald's clown." You say giggling.
"Are you fucking kidding me, Andy." Yall turn around to see the face of Chelsea. "Haha, this is sooooo sad he must've felt bad about you getting your ass whooped." Chelsea said laughing. "Yeah. Hehe." Miranda follows on. Andy moves you behind him. "Why you always gotta ruin something? Look Chelsea go away your obviously just an attention seeking bitch and i regret the years I've wasted with you." Andy says. "Haha. You must think i care. Do you know how many guys want me babe I don't need your attention when I been had ton of eyes on me." She says with a grin. "Hey. Wasn't Oliver just asking for your number." Ariana adds on. They all laugh. "But seriously look at your little girlfriend she's a fucking twat. I mean just look at her hair who does that to their head. And than she's quiet i bet she doesn't even know how to speak up for herself. For god sake do better Andy babe if your trying to make me jealous. Anyways kisses bye sluts." Chelsea says As they turn and walk away
You look down wishing you said something but all you do is stay quiet. "Hey... No pls don't make that face again. Don't worry about her she means nothing. She is nothing and your not a twat, your hair is amazing, and I already did better when i left her and saved you." He says as you start to smile. "I know." You say with a grin. "Who knew Chelsea and her minions couldn be so shitty." Ronnie says. "Oh just look at me im the boss bitch around here all eyes on me." Ronnie adds on mocking Chelsea. You and Andy start to laugh.
"Dammit." Ronnie says. "What's wrong?" You ask. "Nothing its just that I'm hungry as fuck." He says laughing. "Do y'all want to go get some food?" Andy asks. "Like leave school? Right now? Its only one something now. Schools not even over I just basically got here. I.... I" You say as Andy cuts you off. "Never left school early before without permission." He laughs. "Shut up. I have left before Mr.Oh so badass. I mean Only bc i was sick though." You say laughing. "So are we going to get my fat ass some food or what?" Ronnie says as you start laguhing. "Yea. C'mon lets go." Andy says grabbing your hand as y'all walk out through the side door of the cafeteria.
"So. Where are we going to get food?" Ronnie asks. "Anywhere but Burger king McDonald's clown." You say still holding on to the joke. "Let's go to my house than." Andy says looking at you. "This is basically skipping school." You say with worry in your tone. "You have a very good explanation why you didn't show today. & They don't even worry about me and Ronnie. So it's all good." Andy says. "Okay." You say looking at Andy.
You three start walking to Andy's house. "Ughhhhguvmwkwgej." Ronnie moans. "What's wrong?" You ask. "Oh nothing it's just my legs are killing me." He complains. "Hahah. My house is only a couple blocks away and we just started walking Ronnie stop being so lazy." He says laughing. "It seems like forever." He groans.
12 minutes later "Finially we're here. It felt like i was walking for ages." Ronnie says. "It has only been like 10 minutes." You say following behind Andy as he walks up some steps to get to his front door. He pulls out his keys and unlocks the door. Letting you in first he follows afterwards. Ronnie shuts the door. "It feels like heaven in here." Ronnie says walking towards the kitchen. "You can go ahead and get whatever you want (y/n)." He says with a smile. "Okay, thx but i think im fine for right now." You reply sitting down on the couch. He sits down next to you leaning on your shoulder after he passes you the remote. You smile at him. "What do you like to watch?" He asks. "Anything that has to deal with Stephen King." You say with a smile. "Okay i see you Ms. Horror Film addict." He says adding on a little giggle. "What about you?" You ask."Anything on cartoon network." He says while you laugh. "Okay Mr.kid shows." You say. "Heyy! Cartoon Network is not just for kids." Ronnie says while entering into the living room with a plate of burritos. "Damn Ronnie. Did you even heat them up?" Andy asks while laughing. "Actually they were sitting on your table." He says smiling. You turn on the tv and change the channel from a cooking show to cartoon network. "Oh yay uncle grandpa is on." Ronnie says with excitement. As he plops down on the couch "Uncle what?" You question. Andy suddenly sits up quickly and looks at you. "Where do you live under a rock? Uncle grandpa is an amazingly awesome crazy show he saves the day and everything while being everyone's uncle grandpa." Andy says with a smile on his face. "Haha. Okay than. This sounds soooo interesting. I mean of course it makes plenty of sense since he's your uncle grandpa." You say bringing out your sarcastic side. You start watching the show. And suddenly it becomes boring to you so you fall asleep.
5 hours later. You wake up." Ughhh." You groan. You pull out your phone to see the time. Noticing you have 7 unread messages but you ignore them and go look for Andy. "Andy." You shout upstairs. But you get no response. You start walking up the stairs and you hear the shower running. You knock on the door. "Yeah." You hear a deep voice say. "Andy?" You ask. "(Y/n) ,yeah just give me a couple more minutes. You can hang in my room if you want I'll be out soon." He yells. "Okay." You repsond walking towards his room. You lay down on his bed slowly falling asleep again.
9 minutes later. You wake up to Andy tapping you on your shoulder. "Hey." He says softly. You look up at him. "Sorry I took so long I couldn't find my shirt hehe I still haven't found it. But i guess it's time for me to take you home." He says pushing your hair behind your ear. "Okay. But first get a shirt." You say laughing. You start to think to yourself *or you can totally stay shirtless* "Oh yeah I forgot." He says laughing with you. He walks over to his closet grabs a black shirt and throws it on. "You ready?" He asks. You nodd. He grabs your hand and takes you out the back way. "Why did we go this way?" You ask curiosly. "Bc we're not walking to your house we're taking my soon to be car. I mean it would be mines if my dad stops being such a dick." He says as he walks towards the car parked out back. You follow. You see a black Ford Mustang. "You have a nice car. I mean your dad has a nice car." You say laughing. "Laugh all you want but one day it shall be mine." He says rubbing the roof of the car. He opens the passagers side for you and walks around to the drivers seat. "So where do you live?" He asks. "666 satan street." You say giving him an evil smile. He laughs. "Real funny." He says. "Pshye The address is 1428 North Genesee Avenue." He puts it in the GPS and starts the car.
23 minutes later. "Thanks for the ride." You say smiling. He smiles back and responds. "No problem gorgeous. Uhm let me walk you to the door." You smile as he gets out of the car and opens the passagers car door for you. "Today was fun i mean spending time with you was fun. Hehe." You say giggling as you both walk to your front door. "It was wasn't it. So Should i uhmm pick you up tomorrow? I mean if you want me to." He says nervously. "I'd think I would like that." You say handing him your phone so he could put in his number. He puts it in and hands you your phone back. Your hands accidentally touch and you look into each others eyes. He leans in for a kiss. Your lips are so close to touching and then the door opens and he pulls away quickly. You look to see who opened the door and seen it was Kellin your bestfriend. "Hey what are you doing here?" You ask giving him a hug. "Nothing i was just worried sick about you. So i came here to see where you were." Kellin says and looks at Andy. "Who is this?" He asks. "Oh yeah him well this is Andy my guardian Angel." You say looking at Andy and smiling at him. "Andy this is Kellin, My bestfriend." You say introducing them to each other. "Well i guess I'll see you tomorrow in the morning." He says as he smiles at you and walks to the car. You wave as he pulls off. "I didn't even know you were here back in Cali you gotta tell me everything." You say to Kellin. As You rush up to your room. "I missed you so much." He says as he gives you a really big hug. "I thought you was gonna be all by yourself. I'm glad you got yourself a boyfriend." He adds on. "Oh we're not like official you know we actually just meant today. He sorta rescued me from some barbies." You say. " Really? Tell me everything." He says.
38 minutes later. "He really is your guardian huh? But anyways I should get going. My mom is probably worried about me." He says as he gives you a hug. "Oh my gosh! Tell her i said hey and i missed her alot." You say as you walk Kellin downstairs. "I'll tell her he says as he opens the door to leave out. "Hey Kellin. Will you be coming back to school as well?" You ask. "Unfortunately yeah i gotta go to that hell hole school but as least you'll be there." He says laughing as he leaves out the door. You smile. You run upstairs to your room hop on the bed and grab your phone. You immediately text Andy.
You: Hey Andy.
Andy: (y/n)?
You: ofc its me.
Andy: Lol. I didn't wanna text "I can't stop thinking about you" an its not even you.
You: that's understandable xp
Andy: so what are you doing right now?
You: well nothing at the moment just about to take a shower than probably watch some Cartoon Network so i can fall asleep
Andy: awehh c'mon it can't possibly be that boring. Lmao
You: haha. Well it is. See you tomorrow. Okay?
Andy: okay.
You: by the way Andy i can't stop thinking about you either <3
Andy: I'm really wishing we had that kiss.
You: *blushes*
Andy: cya tomorrow beautiful. Okay?
You: okay.
When you were finished texting Andy. You grabbed your fluffy bumblebee robe and went to go take a shower.
26 minutes later. You got out the shower put your robe on and walked to your room. You got under your covers grab your remote and turned on your tv. You changed the channel to cartoon network and slowly fell asleep.

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