What a day!

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*Girlfriend!?* You question yourself in shock. *What the hell is a guy like Oliver doing dating a bitch like her* Still thinking to yourself. You snap out of it to Oliver's voice. "(Y/n)? Hehe. You okay you looked like you were in lala land." He says chuckling. "Yeah. Haha, I was uh in deep thought .... Sorry. What were we talking about?" You ask. "Nothing much..." He says as he gets cut off by Andy. "Hey Gorgeous." He says to you. You smile. "Hey Andy." You respond as he gets closer to you and grabs a hold of your hand. Chelsea rolls her eyes. "Ugh. Come on girls." Chelsea quickly orders in anger. She looks at Oliver. "You too." He looks at you. "See you around kiddo." He says as he walks off with Chelsea and the other two barbies.
"Well that was completely awkward." You say as you two start walking. "So, Where are we going?" He says as he smiles at you. "We?" You ask laughing. "Yes. We." He responds still looking at you. "To Ms.Valery's Class." You say. "For?" He questions. "To go get Kellin. Duh silly." You say. "Oh right I knew that." He says as he grabs your waist. You laugh. "I'm sure you knew that." He laughs. You reach Ms.Valery's classroom. You look in and see Kellin talking to her. You go to walk in but you stop and turn around. "Wait here this shouldn't be long." You tell Andy . "Okay Babes." He says with an adorable half smile. You smile back. You step into the classroom a delightful smell of lavender sneaks into your nostrils. *what an incredible smell. I could smell this all day.* You think to yourself. You go over towards Kellin and Ms.Valery and stand by them waiting for them to stop talking.
  "Why hello Ms.(L/n)." Ms.Valery says to you. "Hello Ms.Valery." You respond politely. "Can I help you with something?" She asks. "Oh no she's just helping me around." Kellin butts in smiling at you. You smile back. "Oh that's lovely. It's your first day and you already have a girlfriend. Wow you kids are fast." She says looking at you two. "Oh. We're not dating we've just been friends forever." You say smiling. "Yeah." Kellin says looking down. "Oh I see." Ms.Valery says. "Well you two should be off to class." She adds on. "Bye Ms.Valery." Kellin says. "See you later Ms.(L/n)." She says looking at you. "Of course Ms.Valery." You respond.
  "Well.... I thought we was going to meet up at lunch?" He asks as you two walk out the classroom. "Well it's kinda a long story I think. Haha. Anyways what class do you hbe next?" You ask. "Uhh some Ms.Kirby." He says. You start to smile. "Yay." You respond. "I'm going to assume you two have the same class together." Andy butts in. "Oh good I was thinking I was going to be in a classroom filled with more children I don't know." Kellin laughs. "Well I mean you will but you'll know just one." You say laughing. Andy looks at his phone. "Well I'm going to go now. I'll see you after school babes." Andy says as he gives you a hug. "Okay. See you." You say smiling at him. "So anything happen in class?" You ask Kellin as you two walk up a flight of stairs to get to the third floor. "Yes. No. Yes. Well maybe. I mean I learned some things." He says as he laughs. "Of course you're going to learn something but like did anything besides learning happen is what I meant. You weirdo." You say punching his arm softly. "Not really. I mean some kids ask me where I was from and what school I came from you know the normal new kid questions. I mean I know I haven't been here in California since a couple years back but I'm not that new." He says as he laughs. "Haha. It's probably because we were those quiet kids in middle school." You say laughing. "Nope. I was the quiet one you on the other hand was the weird one." He says with a chuckle. "Pshye, but You wasn't that quiet for people not to know you." He adds on. "True." You say laughing. You two finally made it to the third floor. You walk down a hall and stop at a door. You knock. The door opens and you two walk in. You grab Kellin's hand and lead him to the back where you usually sit.
  "This is where we'll be sitting buddie." You say as you sit down and pull out a notebook. "Why all the way back here? " Kellin asks. "Because we're away from people." You say looking at him. "Haha. Just how you like it, huh?" Kellin asks laughing. "Of course. Haha. Drama free." You say. "That's understandable." He says as the teacher approachs you two. "Ms.(l/n) I'm sure you'll help this young man with our previous assignments." Ms.Kirby uttered. "Of course Ms.Kirby." You respond. "What's your name young man?" Ms.Kirby questions Kellin. "Kellin Quinn." He answers. "Well, Mr.Quinn you should be lucky to have someone like (y/n) helping you out because between us three she's the only one with the highest grades out of all three of my classes." She says with a smile and walks off to teach today's assignment to the class.
*1 hour later (bell rings)*
  "Well that's the bell class. All homework is due tomorrow." Ms.Kirby yells as the students rush out the classroom. "Have a nice day you two." She says to you and Kellin. "You too." Both of you say at the same time as you walk out the classroom and out into the hallway. "So what do you think about Ms.Kirby's class?" You ask Kellin, starting a conversation. "It was pretty easy. I mean I honestly didn't know that how to kill a mockingbird wasn't even about a mockingbird." He says looking at you laughing you start to giggle. "You're so special." You say as you pat him on the head. He laughs. "I know." You smile. As you're walking down the hall talking to Kellin someone taps your shoulder.
  You turn and see a boy. His style is somewhere between goth and hipster. "Uhm hey sorry for disturbing you but you dropped this." He says as he hands you your phone. "Oh my god. I didn't even feel it fall out my pocket. Thank you so much." You say thanking him. "No problem." He says smiling at you. "Like seriously thank you I'm pretty sure someone else would have took it." You say. "Well I'm not someone else." He says laughing. "And you are?" You ask. "I'm Diego." He says. "Well nice to meet you Sir. I'm (y/n) and this is Kellin." You say looking at Kellin then back at Diego. "I like your ripped tee." Diego says to Kellin. "Thanks. Your hair is pretty rad." Kellin says giving Diego a compliment back. "Haha thanks. Well it was nice meeting some new people hopefully we'll hang out soon and you guys could meet my fellow friends." He says smiling. "Same here." Kellin says as you two walk to the cafeteria.
*7 minutes later*
  "Finally it took us ages just to get here." Kellin complains. As you both walk into the cafeteria.  "Oh stop complaining you hungry hippo." You say laughing. "I'm not a hippo." He says like a baby as you two walk towards the area where the line is. "I'm a dino." He says as you two start laughing. "Ahahahahah." Someone starts laughing behind you and Kellin. You two ignore the loud obnoxious laughing and you grab two trays and hand one to Kellin. "Thanks." He says. "No problem." You say as you two start putting food on your plates. You hand the lunch lady money for you and Kellin's  lunch. She hands you some change back. As you two walk off Kellin says "I could've handled that myself." You look at Kellin. "With?" You ask. "My money." He says lookin you in the eyes. "That at left at home." He mumbles and looks away. He looks back at you. "What was that?" You ask. "Oh nothing mom." He says as you two laugh and walk outside. You two sit at a table that's sat next to the school building by some huge trees and many beautiful flowers.
  "So guess what I found out." You say opening a package of Italian dressing and pouring it onto your salad. "What?" Kellin asks. "Okay so you remember that one child we seen this morning that we met." Kellin nods. "Okay so I never knew we had the same class together like I swear this morning was the first time I seen him. Well anyways he's pretty cool." You say smiling. "Well, that's cool, so what did you find out. " Kellin asks while stuffing his face with a chicken sandwich and some fries. "He's dating Chelsea." You say as you start eating some of Kellins fries. "Wait. Wait. The one girl that use to date Andy? That Chelsea?" He asks. "Yes. That Chelsea. " You respond. "Wait how do you know?" He questions. "Because they kissed. Right in front of me." You say eating your salad. "Why is he dating her.  Like is he okay?" He says taking a piece of your brownie. "I don't know but a sweet guy like him doesn't need to be with her. She seemed so controlling." You say eating  your food. "Damn." He says finishing his sandwich. "Anyways, how is your day going so far?" You ask Kellin, starting up another conversation. "It's okay. I mean it could be spent in my bed but I had to come to this hell hole." He says throwing his trash into the trash can near the table. "Are you done already?" You ask in shock. "Yeah." He says laughing. "You need to learn to slow down. " You say laughing. "You need to learn to pay attention." He says grabbing the other piece of your brownie from off your tray. "Do you ever get full?" You ask laughing. "Hmm. That's a good question but no not that I know of haha." He says stuffing the brownie in his mouth.
*The bell rings*
"Well, lunch is over slow poke." Kellin says poking you. "Hold up." You say laughing. "Let me just throw this away." You throw your trash away. "What class do you have next?" You ask Kellin. "Gym. Unfortunately." He says. "Don't tell me your fat and lazy." You say laughing. He lifts his shirt up. You see his amazing rocking body. *Wow.* You think to yourself. "Haha. What fat?" He asks. "It doesn't show but inside we both know you're a fat ass Kellin Quinn." You say as yiu start to laugh. Kellin joins in laughing too. "Well come on I'll walk you to gym." You say as you two walk back into the school building. "You got gym too?" Kellin ask. "Not this semester but yeah." You say as you turn a corner. "So do you know what I'll be doing in there?" Kellin asks. "I have no idea. I mean it's bot like you'll be doing sports and things like that in a gym class." You say sarcastically. "Oh good because I'm too lazy for all that." He says smiling. "I wasn't being serious i was just kidding Kellin it's a gym class of course you'll be running around and getting sweaty." You say laughing. "Dang it." He responds giving you an evil look. "Don't be mad at me be mad at gym. Haha. Anyways we're here just go threw that door ." You say pointing towards two big navy blue doors. "Ugh." Kellin groans. "Well see you kater buddy." You say patting his back. "That's if I survuve." He says as he walks into the gym. You laugh walking off to go to class.
  As you arrive to Ms.Valery's classroom you notice there's a note on the door. You read "Had an emergency no class for the rest of the day for me. Sorry guys. Signed Ms.Valery". *Oh gosh I hope she's okay.* You think to yourself. Suddenly someone taps you on your shoulder. You turn and see it was Chelsea. "Hey. Uh you got a second." She says. You look around confused. "Me?" You ask. "Of course you there's no one else in the hallway silly." She says laughing. *Silly? Gosh, did she fall and lose her memory?* You think to yourself. You stare at her for a moment. "Am I being punked? Where's the cameras?" You finally speak still confused. "No, you aren't being punked and there's no cameras. I just need to talk to you." She says putting her hand on your shoulder. You look at the hand that's placed on your shoulder. "Oh uhm okay." You say with hesitation. "Okay look I know I've been kind of a bitch to you and what not but I want to start over, you know?" She says looking down.  *what the fuck?! She can't possibly be trying to apologize to me.* You start thinking to yourself again. "Okay where's the cameras? I bet your barbies are hiding with cameras getting ready to tell me I'm being punked." You say. "No, haha. You aren't I promise you. I just want to apologize for my previous actions I don't know what came over me I just be filled with anger and I don't have anything to take it out on and I'm not the type to take it out on myself." She says with a serious face. *Man, she looks pretty serious about this apologizing thing* You start thinking. You look down at the floor than back at Chelsea. "Oh okay. So if I accept your apology what happens afterwards?" You ask. "Hopefully we become friends." She says smiling at you. Your so unsure of what is going on but you kindly smile back. "You don't have to accept now I mean if you want you can sleep on it." She says. "Sleep on it? Hmm. I think I should you know to think about all the outcomes and things of that nature." You say looking at her. "I get it." She says still smiling. "Well I got to get to class. I guess I'll see you around." She says gettinng ready to walk off. "Oh wait here." She says handing you a folded piece of paper. "That's just in ccase you change your mind a bit early." She says walking off.
  You unfold the paper and you read "here's my digits" with a phone number coming after that and a little heart. *What in the actual fuck is going on?* You wonder. You start walking down the hall to the school library since there's no where else you can be. You walk into the library and sit by a computer near a window. You pull out your phone and text Kellin.
Text messages:
You: Kellin! You are not going to believe what just happened to me. XC
You turn on the computer and start playing some random game that popped up. Your phone vibrates. You look at the screen and see you have one unread message.

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