"Just so you know, I left an envelope with two invitations for Roland's birthday party at Granny's, come if you want to or don't"

And with that he shoots me a glare, slamming the door behind him.


I listen to them argue, Zelena thinks I can't hear them but I can. Tears fall down my face as they continue to scream at each other before I hear the front door slam downstairs and Zelena let out and irritated sigh before walking back into the room.

"So, how are you feeling?" she asks, changing the subject and the mood of what just happened

"You two were arguing! Why did you have to yell at him! He didn't do anything wrong!" I whimper

"Regina, he had no right to come here! He broke in by picking a lock! You could have been hurt!" she argues

"But I wasn't! I'm fine! He's probably not going to come back now because you've scared him off! All he was doing was caring!" I cry

"Did you tell him you were pregnant? Did he figure it out?" she asks, changing the subject

"No, I- I wanted to but I got scared" I sigh

"Regina! You have to tell him! I don't know how much longer you can hide this for! I know you're in the early stage of pregnancy but soon you'll start to show and before you know it you'll have a baby in your arms! What are you going to do then? You need to tell him before it's too late! And I have the perfect time for you to do it!" she argues

"When? I can't exactly walk into his tent and expect a private chat with him, not while she's there" I point out

"These are invitations to Roland's birthday party, which is at Granny's in a couple of weeks, all you have to do is ask to talk to him in private, I'll keep Marian occupied and you can tell him, problem solved!" she smiles

"I can't do it! What if he doesn't want the baby? What do I do then?" I whisper

"Regina, if he loves you, he'll stand by you, I know he'll want the baby because I know that he loves you no matter what, a baby won't change that. You have to trust me okay? It's just Marian we have to worry about but we can think about that later, just tell him and we'll go from there" she reassures me

"Okay" I nod

"You can do this Regina, I know you can. Now, come on, let's go downstairs and watch a movie" she smiles, rubbing my back gently before exiting the room to put a film on

5 hours later


"Goodnight Roland" I whisper to my son, stroking his soft curls as he drifts off into sleep

I stand up quietly so not to wake up my son and head out into the cold night air, sitting on a rock beside the fire, watching the flames dance.

"Robin? Are you ready for bed?" I hear Marian whisper from behind me

"Uhm yes" I nod, standing up and walking towards my wife

"Robin?" she says, her tone of voice changing

"Yes?" I say, turning to face her

"Why do you still have Regina's number on your phone?" she asks, holding my phone up to my face, her eyes filled with tears

"Marian I," I start

"Robin, I know I've been gone for however many years, but I'm back now, you chose to be with me and I've noticed you've been distant from me and you don't have feelings for me that you used to have but I expect you to at least be trying like I am and not sneaking off with the queen and keeping in contact with her! You need to be honest with me and yourself and decide what you want and who you want to be with because I can't do this anymore!" she sighs, tears running down her face

"Marian, I want to be with you, I love you, I always have done and I always will do, okay?" I smile reassuringly

"Then prove it to me, delete Regina's number from your phone, at least then I can trust you to some extent" she begs

"Marian, I," I start

"I knew it! I knew it!" she cries, dashing past me

"Wait, look" I sigh, taking out my phone and deleting Regina's number, a huge amount of regret entering my body

"See, it's done, I told you, all I want is you" I smile

"Are you sure?" she asks

"More than sure, I love you Marian" I nod, cupping her cheek

"I love you too" she whispers back, kissing my lips softly

"Come on let's go to bed" I decide, taking her hand and leading her into the tent

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