2nd encounter

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The whole auditorium is filled with people making it unable to here ones own voice.Dr.Raghav of ENT department is sitting in the front row bussy explaing things to his interns covering him almost completely in the front.Neuro,Cardio,Pediatrics,Gynae etc all the departments are present in here making it a medical carnival.'A great fair of knowledge' one of the doctors said earlier that day.The whole college has a very eager energyful atmosphere.Especially the girls from 1st year to internshipers even those of the residents are extravagantly waiting to get a glimpse of the infamous Dr. Yoon.Some of them stood in the corners in groups predicting his personality.One among them says "My daddy knows him."Her tone seems more than excited with a tinge of domination.To get the outmost attention that other gossipers droled for.Whole of the campus is like this today filled with the little talks & predictions related to only one man.

Sindhu newly admitted to the college is know a junior.The addmissions were rushed due to this conference & for the very first time made a record to complete the ever long procedure in just 2 days!Mr.Rathore has come to drop her as it's the very first begning of the completion of her dreams to become a doctor.He wanted to go upto the second gate but it has come to look impossible because of the number of cars already parked in the parking lot.
"Baccha!I think there must be a parking near."says Mr. Rathore breaking the chain of thoughts Shindhu is in.
"Oh! daddy don't worry I'll go by my self & I think it'll be bothersome" she assured after evaluating the seat.
"It's alright baccha I'll just call Vishu-
"Aree daddy!Don't call him he must be bussy as he's the one incharge of today event plus the main speaker is the super rich foreigner friend whom me & bhiaya escroted 5 days ago".cutting him in the Middest she reminded him.
"Hmmm...Then I'll wait till you go in" he suggested.She smiled getting of the car.
"Oh god ! The new begining..."she thought to herself huffing.
As a novice she is aware of the situations she will need to handle for the first six months and the countdown began just now.
"Good morning sir!" She wished a senior whom she had no idea which rank he belonged without making any eye contact.He ignored her and so do others who were standing gazing just the kinds of hers.
"Good morning mam!"She and the girl she assumed to be the senior wished in unionson.Both startledly looking each other trying to understand what to say.
"Umm..it's first year right!"The other
girl interjected.
Sindhu slowly looked up and about slowly a smile cracked on her lips.
"Yes!Hii"Replied Sindhu with a warm smile.
"Hii! Devyani....Devyani Pandit!the later introduced herself with a more warmer smile.
"Sindhu Rathore!"now this time Sindhu introduced herself.
"Hey!YOU TWO!come over here....fast!"from nowhere came a command startling them both.
The voice came from their behind.
"I think she is our senior" configured Devyani in almost a whisper.
"Good morning mam!" ran to the command wishing in unionson.
"Devyani Pandit from Mumbai! "
"Sindhu Rhathor from Delhi!".Their introduction gained them a mischievous smile from the girl.
"Both of you report to the hostel lobby on 25th of this month."Ordering she Marched away.
Sindhu & Devyani gulped looking at one another.
"Let's go to the class before any other of them catch us"suggested Devyani.
"I agree"Sindhu agreed waving her head smiling.
They rushed to the four story building painted almond white & brown.It's architecture is modern with an Indian touch.First year classroom with all the department's subjected to it are situated in it.The conference hall which will be used by today's chief guest is situated on the 4rth floor.
As Sindhu was admiring the buildings decoration turning left to enter the corridor which she was not ment to enter she unexpectedly bumped into someone.She fell on the floor.
"Ouch"the word escaped her mouth involuntarily.
"Genchna!...I mean are you alright?"enquiring a hand touched her shoulder to which she shivered.
Turning her gaze slightly up but without looking at the face of the person she apologised
" I'm sorry...I..it's my fault sir"bumping into a senior this mere thought made her shiver.
"Hey!aren't you Vishu's sister...what was the name Sin...dhu"He half amused half teasingly said with a slight bit warm smile.
Sindhu recognizing the accent in which the person pronounced her name looked suddenly up wide eyed.'It is Vishu bhiaya's friend Dr.Yoon'
"Oh! Hii, ummm....I'm sorry I really just wasn't paying attention where I was going."she looked around by which she now new she was all alone only with this person.Bong ju clearly read fear& nervousness on her face.But there was not a glimpse of that owes truck expression which he got by the girls & even by some female faculty (a male one too lol;)).
"Are you lost?"Bong by enquired smiling.
"Actually.....I...it's my first day of college &-"
"HEY YOU!why aren't you in class?A beautiful looking girl enquired stiffly from around the corner emerging just behind Bong ju cutting her middle of her sentence.
"So..sorry ma'am ! I just got lost"answered Sindhu in such a tone it seemed like she will faint at the moment.
"It's alright Dr. It was my mistake I called her"Dr. Yoon attempted to escape her from this strict teacher's wrath with an almost pleasing smile.
"Dr.Yoon!oh!amm... okay Dr.Vishu is asking for you;It's Dr.Reema Singh Anatomy department".stunned by what Bong ju just said she introduced herself changing the facial expression to a soothing one.Bong ju smiled ,turning to Sindhu he says
"I'll see you around"
Sindhu bowed a little in reply which again became a point for him to not forget her.

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