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My eyes snapped to him. I couldn't help but question this oddly makeup of a human being. He ignored my gaze, his dark lashes like a curtain guarding his emotions. I couldn't help but trail my eyes down the tall, crooked bridge of his nose, to the clear stagger of his cut-throat jaw, to the way his plump lips formed around the cigarette. I swiftly looked away and back to the vastness of the body of water, the depths of its waves glossy, reflective on my orbs.

I didn't question him. I didn't want to.

The silence was enough to fill the screams of the world and the screams of his silver linings.

Compared to the chaos of the cafeteria, this chaos felt deafening to the point of serenity. And I relished in it. I was glad for the tranquility. I was glad for the silence.

So, rested a boy and a girl. One turned to the sea, one turned to the ground. One entangled in a string theory of thoughts, and the other grounded to reality.

And homogeneously, they were desperate to escape society.

* * *

yes, i updated. sorry for being died for a few months. ;-; anyways im not sure if i like this. howevver im happy to see where this story goes. :) hope you guys like it too! like for more frequent updates. <3



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