I was a small mouse compared to him and his sturdy build, broad shoulders and long legs. He moved an arm around my back and he held me. "I won't. I can't even begin to imagine what it was like for you. I want to make you feel better, if I could." Atticus leaned over to brush my hair behind my ear. "Just hold me. I'm beginning to feel better already." I smiled up to him.

Not too long after, Daniel came back to my room with. We walked in silence down the carpeted halls, decorated with the finest paintings. The elevator ride was painfully long, especially with no one talking. Atticus held my hand reassuringly.

Daniel was dressed formally, in a black suit without a tie and so was Atticus. I guess they wanted to look like they belonged in the hotel as much as I did. Daniel was even wearing cologne.

We all walked across a busy lobby and towards a pair of double doors. Daniel opened one of the doors for us and we walked inside the dimly light room. The restaurant was large and filled with tables. There was a line in front of us and a red rope cutting us off from the rest of the restaurant. But Daniel continued walking and so I followed. We past the line of people, as they watched us walk by. Everyone was dressed formally and I felt under dressed. Daniel told the man with the reservation list his last name and we all proceeded forward. A waiter lead us past the tables with white table clothes and candles, and up to the next floor. I followed along silently.

I felt oddly strong and not weak at all like I had felt not too long ago. I didn't even walk with a limp. Then I realized something. I was around humans, they all looked at us as if we were normal humans too. It was so weird to be around so many humans when I was used to mythicals. Could they tell there was something different about us? I had to be careful, regardless.

We had made it to a table and there was already people there. Sitting at the large table with a candle center piece was Zaine, Eaton and three other females. Two of the females were other vampires and I could tell that they were the girlfriends to Eaton and Zaine. Eaton's girlfriend was a pretty brunette who looked rather shy just like Eaton was. Zaine's girlfriend had high cheekbones and tanned skin. She had blonde hair that was up in a high pony tail and she looked very uptight. As for the last female, she was human. I could read her just by looking at her. She was oblivious to the fact that she was surrounded by vampires.

"Daniel!" The brown haired human called as she stood up to greet him. She was wearing a very short dress that was skin tight. She also wore stilettos that were so high, I could imagine her breaking her ankle with a single fall. She snaked her arms around Daniel for a hug. He returned the hug and she sat down again. It felt so weird to be acting like this when only a few days ago most of us were fighting to the death. Daniel nodded curtly to his brothers, though I could tell he was not happy to be around Zaine in particular.

He took a chair at the head of the table. I sat beside Eaton and Atticus sat beside me. There was a few greetings exchanged before a moment of silence. "So Daniel, who's the girl?" The human girl said in a blunt, obnoxious manner. She purred to him and at that moment I could see the admiration in her oblivious eyes. "She's my sister, not blood related." He replied curtly. The female turned her attention to me, and simply stared at me. "Yeah, she looks nothing like you.'' She stated dumbly.

A bit more of chatter had passed between people and I was mostly silent. The mood was very heavy. A waiter came along and filled our glasses with red wine. I was no were near the legal age for drinking, but I wasn't going to complain. I had never tasted alcohol before and I kind of wanted to know what it was like. I ordered a salad, though I didn't pay much attention to what anyone else ordered.

I was still confused why everyone else was here, but I didn't say anything. I brought the red liquid to my lips and took a sip. At first, the liquid burned the back of my throat, but it wasn't too bad. I wouldn't drink it again after tonight though. I never had an interest in alcohol.

"So, where'd you get your tattoos done?" The human asked. There was a moment of silence. I was caught off guard but I thought up a quick lie. "A friend of mine did it at his tattoo shop in long beach." I replied quickly as I took another sip of wine. "Aren't you a little young for a full body tattoo?" She laughed in a high, squeaky voice as if she said the funniest thing ever. "And aren't you a little young for wine too?" I glared at her. She was definitely getting on my nerves. "That shouldn't concern you." I replied, lacing my voice with annoyance.

She stared back at me, a look of smugness on her face. She wore a ton of makeup that did nothing for her. I shouldn't be so mean, but she was getting on my nerves. "Oh, it doesn't." She smiled. I didn't want to waste my time talking to her, so I went back to sipping the wine. Time passed before she started up the conversation again. "So, you were laying naked on a table while your 'friend' tattooed your whole body?"

I groaned mentally. I stared back at her again. I didn't break eye contact in the least. As I stared into her dull, grey eyes I could see her in a way no one else could. I could read her like a book as I saw her past and her memories. She had big daddy issues and she believed sleeping with as many men as she could would heal her emotional scars. She suddenly squeezed her eyes shut and shook her head slightly. I blinked as I realized what I had done, by accident of course. She stared at me, her chest rising and falling quickly. The woman looked away quickly and was silent.

The talking continued, but the human stayed silent. I was mostly ignored, other then a side ways glance shot my way. A waiter came around and delivered our food. I ate my salad silently and the others ate their food. Atticus was oddly silent beside me. But what I wanted to know was why everyone else was here. Then the answer came.

"So, I bet you are wondering why I invited you all here." Daniel began. There was a few murmurs of agreement before silence again. Anticipation was eating away at me. Daniel brought his wine glass to his mouth and drank some of it, before settling his eyes on me. "Arianna will be turning 18 next week on the summer solstice." I nearly forgot! My 18th birthday was on June 21st. Was it already here? "Shes only 18?" Zaine's girlfriend mumbled. With a curt nod, Daniel continued. I had always thought that my birthday was in September. Though it might sound weird, I was never told exactly when it was, so I assumed that it was in September.

"She will be moving out of my house after her birthday and I was wondering if you all could help her find an apartment or something. I'm busy this week." Daniel said, in such an uncaring tone that my heart broke into thousands of pieces.

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