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Master carried me inside and he kissed my forehead. We were all wet and the house was messy. I was in my kid form and when master put me on the floor i started picking the trash up and master stopped me.

"Jack we'll clean up later. For now just relax" i smiled and master wrapped a towel around me. "Lets get you warm baby" master said as he laid me on my back as master got on top of me. Master had a milk bottel and i started drinking it.


Jack was sucking at his bottel and i took a video of him and posted it. "Your my tiny little baby that i love so much" i cooed at jack. Jack giggled as he started to cough. I picked him up and patted his back. Jack burped in the cutest way. "Es-cu-s-e m-m-e" jack whispered as he b buried his face in my neck.

Then my brother texted me that our step mom was sick and we need to take care of her. I didn't wanna leave him alone so he fell asleep and i called marzia and she agreed to take care of him for a week. I pack ed his suit case filled with

•stuffed eyeball

And i packed him a backpack with

cat treats
•picture of us
•sketch book
•extra blankets

I packed my suit case and i picked jack up and he stired in his sleep. I carried him and i drove to the airport.


I got in a taxi in brighton and the driver drove to marzias house. I gave jack some sleeping medacine and he was in a deep sleep. I knocked on marzias door and felix answered. "Hey marzias in the back yard. Come in" i followed felix and he put the suit cases in a room and i went to the backyard.

Jack was laying on my chest in his kid form as he snored. Then i felt him grip my shirt. Jack let out a whimper and he lifted his head as he looked around. "Hey cutie remember me?" Marzia cooed at jack as she rubbed his cheek. Jack giggled and he smiled.

"Felix come say hi to jack" marzia said and felix walked over to us. "Can i hold him?" Felix asked. I nodded and i gently transfered jack into felixs arms. He held him like a baby. "Hes really cute" felix said. "Hes really heavy too" i added and we cooed at jack and his red cheeks and nose.

It wasn't snowing but it was freezing. We went inside and felix handed me jack and i let jack roam around as me and the others talked.


I was walking around and i saw 2 pugs and i went to pet them but they licked my hands. One was 2 fat to walk and the other was a skinny pug. They both went to a dog bed and they both laid in it. I turned into my cat form and sat with them but they started chasing me.

I meowed and hissed at them but i ran faster. I ran to master and i hissed at the pugs as they barked at me.


Mark left 3 hours ago and jack fell asleep on the floor. Mark gave me a list on how to take care of jack and it said to give him a snack before he goes to bed. But he was asleep. I shook him gently and jack started to whimper.

I looked at the list again and it said nothing about how to make him stop crying. "Sh sh sh jack do you wanna eat?" I asked him and he looked at me with blood shot eyes. "Huh? You hungry?" I smiled at him as i whipped jacks tears away. Jack nodded and i didn't get a letter box for him to go so i had to go to the store.

"FELIX FEED JACK WHILE IM AT THE STORE!" I yelled as i put a jacket on. "I'll be back sweetie" i cooed at jack as he sat on the island. I ruffled jacks hair and kissed his nose and i left.


Felix walked in and he looked at me as i stuck my face in the freezer. "Come here kitty cat" felix called. I looked at him and walked towards him.

Taken and cared for [SEPTIPLIER]  ~NEKO~Where stories live. Discover now