ch. ten

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Niall woke up the next morning feeling much better than he did the day before. He noticed he woke up in bed and smiled, knowing Liam probably carried him here. But the smile dropped when he saw the brunette wasn't in bed with him. The door was open so he called out, "Liam?"

"Be right there," He heard Liam called back a minute later. A few minutes later Liam walked in with a tray of food. "I made you breakfast." He smiled.

Niall grinned as well and sat up. "You are so sweet, Li." He said. Liam got in to bed with him and set the tray on Niall's lap. He looked down at his plate to see scrambled egg whites topped with avocados and tomatoes and a bowl of cut fruit.

"I'm trying to balance out your cravings while also making sure you stay healthy," Liam admitted sheepishly. "If you don't like it I can make you something else."

Niall shook his head, grabbing the fork. "This looks great. And you remembered I was craving avocado." He smiled before digging his fork in it and taking a bite. "Mm, and it's really good."

Liam smiled at that. "I'm glad." He took his plate that was on his tray and sat back. "I called Leo, he sends his wishes and told me to tell you to get some relaxation in. And that you don't have to come back until Friday."

Niall looked up at Liam, surprised. "He's giving me the week off?" He asked. Liam nodded.

"I have to work he said, but he told me he'll send you any assignments so you can do them from home. He's letting me have today and tomorrow off with you though."

"I'll have to call him and thank him for that."

Liam hummed in response before talking a few bites of his own food. "Eat up, I've got plans for us today."

Niall looked up at Liam. "Ooh, what?"

The brunette shook his head. "Not telling, now eat love." Niall playfully pouted but continued to eat. He was just going to have to wait and see what Liam was up to.

After breakfast, Liam and Niall got in to the car and they headed off in to town. Niall looked over at Liam. "Liam, where are we going?" He asked.

"It's a surprise. And the best part about it. Since you still haven't been around London all that much, you won't recognize where we're going." Liam replied with a grin.

Niall pouted. "Okay, not fair." He whined, earning a chuckle from Liam.

"You'll see when we get there, love." About ten minutes late Liam pulled in to a parking lot. Niall looked out the window.

"The British Museum?" He looked over at the brunette.

Liam nodded. "I remember you told me you really liked museums." Niall couldn't help but smile at that and the two of them got out of the car. Liam walked over to the blonde and took his hand.

"Thank you, Li."

Liam smiled. "Of course, now let's go inside." They headed inside and Liam bought their tickets. He told Niall he could choose wherever he wanted to go first and the Irish man dragged him away to the Sicilian expedition.

Walking through the museum and spending this time with Liam really helped Niall to forget about Josh. He didn't even cross Niall's mind once as he laughed and smiled and had a good time with his boyfriend. The two of them found themselves in the museum for nearly five hours and the only reason they were leaving now was because Niall's stomach was begging for food.

Liam drove them to a really nice café down the street, and treated Niall to a late lunch. They were waiting for order now. The blonde smiled up at Liam. "Today was great, thank you." He said.

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