Chapter 18

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A/N Warning there is self-harm in this Chapter just at the beginning for a bit. Sorry but it's a part of the story.


Now let's get back to the story alright.

Well I could tell you what happened inside of the inn but I don't think Chara would want me to tell but I will tell you something so it happens after Frisk falls asleep. Chara is attacked not physically but psychologically. She feels the player's grasp begin to tighten as he tries to control over her due to the fact she is the only thing that the Player can control. She was asleep when an attack came and wasn't able to defend it properly.

The Player had gained complete control over her body but it was incomplete but the had enough control to do what the Player wanted them to do. The player begins to pull out her knife and raise it above Frisk's body to kill him and force a reset. The Player was trying to kill Frisk but every time something stops them. It's Chara she couldn't kill Frisk not Frisk anybody except them. She manages to gain back her control and see what her body was about to do. She backs away scared and afraid of what she almost did.

Chara goes to the bathroom while Frisk slowly begins to stir. Chara is crying softly to not wake Frisk and gripping her knife tightly around the handle before she makes her first cut. It was a clean incision but it hurt so much. She never wanted this to happen. Why now of all times she just got to liking this new way but alas she guessed it was a wake-up call back to her mission. The reason she cut was not that she almost hurt Frisk but that might have helped her with the other incisions but it was the only way that keeps her away from the player's control. She was crying and kept cutting herself she hated that she was the only one who has to deal with this. Frisk is too weak and no monster has any hope at all of fending off his control. Chara knew this and the burden was put on her shoulders she was the only person who can do this and yet she hated how easily monster can be manipulated and how weak willed Frisk is. It pained her to be the only person who has to go through this.

(Alright alright, Chara I'll skip some of this. To be honest this is not my favorite part either.)

After a several more cuts on either side. This in not the first time she had to deal with this but she hopes that this will be the last time. Then suddenly she notices that someone hopefully not Frisk has seen here but alas it was Frisk and he saw her cut herself multiple times.

"C-Chara why are you doing this?" he asks her obviously confused.

Chara looks at him with fear in her eyes and she freezes up as she looks at him. He goes to her and tries to talk to about this to her but she backs away from him like she is afraid that? Frisk tries again but this time to comfort her not saying anything else just pulling her into an embrace. At first, she pushed him away but she eventually let him hug her. She cried into his shoulder letting all her frustration and anxiety out. She hated crying but she couldn't help it almost all of her progress all of her sacrifices could have been for nothing due to a certain person dying. It was unfair and cruel but she was the one who had to deal with it, but Frisk all he needed to do was just complete the game and have his "Happy Ending". The way he was holding her so closely made her think is there a way for her to get a happy ending with him its seems far fetched but it might be possible. She still wanted to have hope but it was like wanting the moon to stop circling the earth. It just won't happen but she wonders while she was crying how is Frisk dealing with her breaking down so much.

After a few minutes of Chara crying into Frisk shoulders, she finally stops and began to regain what little dignity she had left. She picked herself up and Frisk helped her not saying a work.

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