CH 12: Distractions & Dilemna

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Giggling I tipped Morgan's coffee cup making him spurt and cough loudly as if he were having a seizure. Since he was distracted I grabbed the car keys from the top drawer skipping towards the door eager to get out of the house.

"What the hell are you wearing?"

Standing up he blocked my way out the back door. With folded arms I snorted at his immaturity. "Clothes."

"Good morning to you too." I added ruffling his hair while pinching his cheeks.

Pulling my hand away he stared at me bewildered."Is this about last night? I get it. You're pissed. I'm sorry alright. Now quite this whole nonsense and change back into something more...... subtle." He motioned narrowing his eyes at the stairs.

Dangling the car keys I looked at him thoughtfully. "Hmm. That's weird, I don't remember asking for your opinion."

"Well I'm not moving till you do. And gimme back those keys Shay." He expectantly extended his hand knowing fully that I'd always comply after being talked down.

Not this time.

"You know what the perks of having a large house is?" I grabbed my bag taking a bite out of the apple and walking backwards.

"There's more than one exit. See you at school Moron." Waving at him I left the house hoping I made a good enough impression without looking transparently distraught inside.

Whistling like a psychopath who had just murdered her entire family and was currently leaving the crime scene I skipped into the garage pulling the cover off the 'untouchable' car. Basically it was a vintage red mustang that my dad had won at a fancy auction and if ever anyone besides him laid a fingerprint on it, lets just say our grave headstones would have been ordered early.

Smirking to myself I knew that this was the first rebellious, reckless thing I had committed so far and as mundane as it sounds it was exhilarating.

I revved the engine missing the feeling of being in control of something other than a canvas. Pulling up at a red light two blocks before reaching school I tapped my fingers in tune with the beat of the song.

"I got fake people showing fake love to me! STRAIGHT UP TO MY FACE," I continued belting out unaware of the watching eyes.

The car beside me rolled down it's tinted window revealing Ryder's brother whose identify was still yet to be confirmed with an amused smile on his face.

"I didn't get the heads up that Lip Sync auditions were being held here."

In that instant the light turned green. "Tsk. And I didn't get a name and a number." Stepping on the speed I lurched forward while my inner conscious contemplated whether that sounded too slutty or too desperate.

Why'd I care right?

That was the whole point of this charade. To make a statement to other's that I was allowed to be reckless on my own terms. With music still pouring out of the car I was just about to pull up to park in my usual spot until my brain registered that I didn't have to give a damn today. Plus, I had to show off these hot wheels duh.

Turning into the front row I took up two parking spaces for no reason because apparently that's known to be a badass move since it'll obviously piss off someone.

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