Chapter 44 (Anticipation)

Start from the beginning

        "She's a fighter and that's what she'll do today. I know she will Faith," trailed off and placed a hand at her mouth to stop herself from crying.

   With a blurry glance, Matthew nodded, knowing that he was too weak for words. And for some passing seconds, they sat there until he finally decided to say something.


     "S–she's with your parents. I called them to be with her. She wouldn't stop crying and..."

      "Thank you," Matthew managed as he began to stand.

With rugged hair, a flushed face and a breaking heart, Matthew looked at Faith. "I– my hands," he held them up, before walking aimlessly through the halls, in search of a bathroom.

      When he was alone, his face to the mirror and the sink being his support, Matthew fixated his gaze on the person staring back at him, and all of a sudden his thoughts took him back to the past.

      "I'll be fine Matt."

       "I'm scared."

       "We'll be fine, I promise. We'll be fine."

Marsha's words, Kaylyn's words, his words. They all came rushing back to him like a tidal wave, ready to topple him over. The tears of sadness began to stream down Matthew's face again and the words kept replicating in his head, wanting to drown him in more sorrow.

     With a yell, Matthew slammed his fist in the mirror and the glass before him shattered, the pieces making distorted versions of him, while his heart felt the way the glasses looked.

       His sobs then came out short and raspy, but soon a hand was wrapped around his shoulder in comfort. John Mayhew took his son in his arms and allowed him to cry against his shoulder. He had been there for Matthew with Marsha and now he knew he needed to be there for him with Kaylyn.

     "Everything will be fine my boy," he reassured gently, feeling his own eyes burn with the impendent tears, but knew he had to be strong for his son.


Matthew and John joined the others in the waiting area some minutes later. His mother's sadness was evident, even more so when she saw Matthew approaching her. If it wasn't for a sleeping Sapphire in her arms, she would run to him, but the love that exuded from her eyes was enough reassurance Matthew needed.

Matthew's gaze drifted to the side where he saw Patrick hugging his shoulders. His eyes were red, his face flushed, his body frail. Matthew slowly walked towards the man in his jacket – dressed for a dinner that was long forgotten.

Seeing Matthew approaching him, Patrick's eyes glistened with tears. Slowly Matthew moved forward and pulled him in for a hug.

Patrick's body trembled momentarily, but he quickly regained his composure.

        "My baby girl is not a quitter Matthew, I know that."

Matthew nodded with a sniff, after which pulling apart and patting Patrick on the back.


Matthew didn't realize sitting was such a hard task until he was placed in the situation where sitting was all he could do. He wanted to distract himself, he wanted something that would take his mind off the situation, but he could do nothing but sit with his hands on his knees while his legs shook nervously.

Sapphire had fallen asleep in her grandmother's arms– drained from the task of crying for so long. Faith was pacing back and forth, her eyes fixated on the entrance the doctor would come through to give them the news they long awaited for. Patrick and John Mayhew was conversing silently in a far corner, with John's hand placed reassuringly on Patrick's shoulder. Matthew didn't want to look for long, he didn't want to see so much sadness and so he rested his gaze blankly on the off white tiles.

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