Chapter Thirty Two

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(a/n im trying to not make this bigger than 40 chapters ok)

Once Phil hung up, he swiftly ran to his computer to book a flight back to the UK, preparing himself to finally meet Dan after nearly three years in hiding. 

'This means I can start my channel again, this means I can start my old job again, I won't need to be afraid of meeting anyone, this is for the better...' Phil thought, smiling while looking at his 'AmazingPhil' channel. Even though Phil could upload or tweet or post anything at any time, he didn't want to because he wanted to just be alone - even though being alone was one of his fears.

He suddenly jumped, hearing the buzzing of his phone. He groaned and picked up. 

"Hello?" Phil said, sounding groggy and tired. 

"You're late Lester." His boss snapped. 

"It's 1am, I really can't be bothered." Phil yawned. 

"I don't care, get your ass here now." His boss snapped again, hanging up. 

Phil groaned and left the house, not caring that his clothes were a day old and that his hair looked like it had been dragged through a bush. He got into his car and drove to his bosses house. Once he reached the front door, he knocked on - to which it quickly swung open.

"Finally," His boss started. "You're constantly late." 

"Shut up Dylan." Phil started. "Where are we going?"

The one thing nobody knew about Phil (besides Dylan) was his real job. Phil tells people he works in an office that drains the life out of him, but if anything his real job puts life into him. To put it bluntly, Phil sells drugs for a living. He would go to parties and sell drugs to anyone he could. Phil isn't a drug addict at all, he would have a few blunts from time to time, but that's it. Dylan was a drug addict though - he literally does any drugs he can lay his hands on every day. Phil doesn't like associating with people who sell or even do drugs, but he does them and his boss does them frequently so he had to get used to it over the 3 years he has been here. 

"It's just you tonight my friend, I have to stay home and do some, chores," Dylan said, placing his hand on Phil's shoulder. Phil dipped his shoulder down so Dylan wasn't resting on him. 

" 'Chores' What you really mean is drugs," Phil said sarcastically. 

"True, but whatever you make tonight is all yours," Dylan said and Phil's face lit up."There are a few parties two streets down, do me proud." Dylan said, closing the door. 

Phil rolled his eyes and drove to one of the partied, regretting answering the call. He plastered a fake smile on his face and walked into the college house party, which he was too old to be in, but no one really cared. He walked inside and grabbed a bear off of the counter and gradually started speaking the large groups of people and selling his stock. He did the same at every party in this street, not realising it was nearing 4am. Phil drunkenly drove back to Dylan's house and let himself in. 

"I've done," Phil called, watching as Dylan came out of the kitchen. 

"How much?" Dylan asked.

" €740" Phil counted. "And it's all mine, you're getting nothing," Phil said slyly. 

Dylan nodded. Phil was going to head for the door but remembered about his trip back to the UK. 

"Oh, by the way," Phil started. "I need some time off in two weeks," Phil said, a little scared since Dylan never gave time off. 

"How long?" Dylan said, furrowing his eyebrows. 

"A w-week." Phil stuttered.

"No fucking way." Dylan snapped. "I'd accept a weekend or three days, not a fucking week." 

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