Chapter Twenty Two

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(A/N: I still can't believe that has 1,000 views. It's mind blowing; thank you all so much. I never aimed to have this many views. Idk, enjoy x ALSO THIS IS GOING TO BE A LONG ASS CHAPTER)

"This is the  most fun I have ever had." I said, burring my head into his chest more.

His face resembled a blob of awes, unsure of what to do, I stay stood in his arms. Eventually breaking away, I grabbed Phils  hand and dragged him to the bathroom. I read online,  that one of the best ways to stop cutting, was to flush your  blades down the toilet; so that's what I'm going to do. I left Phil, ran to the kitchen and grabbed each razor. Running back with the razors, Phil looks terrified.

"W-what are y-you doing?" Phil stammers.

"This." I said, trowing them in the toilet and flushing it. Phil knew what I was doing, and he seemed pleased. 


Having an over whelming feeling off happiness and fulfillment, Phil slung his arms around Dans slightly taller frame and clutched him so tight, he didn't want to let go. Chuckling into his boyfriends chest, he slithered his arms around the one person that meant the world to him; Phil Lester. They stood in the tiny bathroom interlocked limbs and gigantic smiles on both of their faces. Feeling tears bubbling up,Phil sobbed on Dans shoulder. 

"I-I'm s-so proud o-of y-you D-Dan.." Phil sobbed, unable to clearly speak due to the lump in his throat.

"Thank you kitten. And Phil?" Dan said, tilting Phils head up. He just hummed. 

Dan gave a kiss to his best friend, but not only his best friend, his boyfriend. 


Dan had completely stopped self harming and if he looked at a razor, he gets the chills. It is now 17th of February 2012, but lets give a bit of history. On November 11th 2011 and Dan had officially quit university. Phil decided not to have an opinion on this, because it's Dans life. Phil was his happy go self, of course with his down days. They still have their relationship under wraps, with viewers, friends (apart from PJ) and both families. Dan will never discuss his self harm history with his viewers, because he knows majority of his viewers are dealing with what he did,so he doesn't want to trigger them. Both families knew of their PAST relationship and they kept this one a secret because....

"DAN!" Phil called from the lounge.

"What?" Dan called from his room

"Come here!" Phil said. 

Groaning and leaving his comfortable position, he drags himself to Phil. "What's up?"

"My brother is getting married and we got invited b-" Phil began before getting interrupted by Dan.

"Great! When is it?" Dan asked, rudely. 

"Dan, listen," Phil said, placing his index finger over his lips, telling Dan to shut up. "Martyn is getting married to Autumn next week on the 24th of February, why it's taken them so long to tell me I have no idea, however, they invited us as  friends, not a couple," Phil looked back at the e-mail he got. "It says 'Hi Phil! I decided to marry Autumn and the wedding is next week today. Dan is invited too, since the wedding is far away from Manchester, I booked hotel rooms for you up here. Two single beds since you two aren't together anymore. Can't wait to see you little bro, much love; Martyn and Autumn.' What are we going to do Dan?" Phil asked, finally taking a breath. 

"I-I mean, we could just tell them we are together again?" Dan suggested. 

"My aunties, uncles, and grandparents are there Dan..." Phil said, looking disheartened. 

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