Chapter Twenty Eight

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(a/n: i didnt take in mind that this fic is going to be quite short, originally i was aiming to get at most 50 chapters, but my chapters were pretty long, so this fiction will most likely end at like chapter 30 or something, soz.)

"My brother has cancer."

The single words coming out of Dan's mouth, was enough to engulf the room in utter silence to the point where you could hear a pin could be drop. Not a sound escaped the audience's mouths. The back ground music stopped and all that could be heard was Dan's muffled snobs and cries. Dan's face was pushed hard against the palms of his hands, letting out a river of tears. An audience member took it upon themselves to suggest something to both Dan and Phil.


Phil looked up, confused as to who was speaking.

"I know the audience will be pretty pissed at me, but do you want us to leave so you can talk to Dan?" The girl asked, she had pale skin, brown eyes, purple hair and cat whiskers on her face.

"That is an amazing idea, I will organise it so you'll get a refund, thank you so much, err-" Phil hesitantly said, not knowing her name.

"Daisy." The girl said, smiling that Phil was speaking to her.

"Thank you Daisy, I am so sorry everyone, this really is an emergency." Phil said sadly.

After the crowd said it was okay and that they understand. They were all lead out by the venue holders and the theatre was left, dead. Dan's cries got louder and louder and his sobs got harder and harder. Phil didn't know what to say, in a situation that is thrown at you in such a happy part of your life, you're lost for words. You're stuck, because what you say next might have a negative impact on the person suffering - and that's exactly what happened.

"Dan, I just. I'm so sorry, I understand how you feel." Phil said, rubbing Dan's back soothingly.

"But you don't Phil!" Dan snapped. "You have never had a very fucking close family member to you that has cancer and the bomb was dropped on you at one of the best times of your life, you just haven't!" He yelled, forgetting this was on microphone. "He is the only family member that understood and fucking cared about me Phil! You'll never understand what I am going through. You. Just. Won't." Dan spat, leaping out of Phil's reach and standing at the side of the stage, clutching himself with his arms.

"Dan-" Phil began, getting up and walking towards Dan.

"Phil, get the fuck away from me." Dan hissed.

Phil stopped, holding his hands up in defeat. "Dan, please. Cancer can go. He needs to be a strong fighter."

"No Phil! He's had it for about 4 months, and why the fuck I've only just found out I'll never fucking know!" Dan shouted back, looking down in frustration and sadness. Giving that he's looking down, Phil thought it was the perfect idea to hold him close. Phil silently shuffled forward, attempting not to be noticed. Alas, it didn't work.

"Phil, I said get the fuck away from me." Dan yelled, possibly breaking a speaker. Dan's fists were clutched tight and his body giving off a negative feel.

"Dan, I just, I don't know what to say." Phil said sadly, looking down.

"No, you don't and you never fucking will. Phil just fuck off and leave me alone." Dan snapped.

Phil couldn't respond, due to Dan storming back stage, collecting his things and ordering a taxi back down to London. Dan didn't care how much the taxi was going to cost, he needed to get back to London. Waiting impatiently for the taxi, Phil tapped Dan's shoulder.

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