I put my arm under the flow of cool water and rubbed the bar of soap on my arm. I began scrubbing the weird tattoo like marks. I washed off the soap and peered down at my arm. The marks didn't come off. If it was even a tattoo, it would obviously be newly done and the ink would smudge on my skin. But nothing happened. I felt a bit of panic take hold of my heart. Then I looked up into the mirror. I screamed as I saw my reflection. The intricate marks crawled up my neck, twisting and swirling like vines. The marks were light and they curled around the edges of my face. My face was clear of any markings but my eyes... My yellow eyes were now brown. My hair was darker then before as well.

I threw the t-shirt off of my body. I was in my bra, but that didn't matter. The light swirls and makings covered my body and they almost looked like growing vines. My creamy skin was tainted with this oddly beautiful mark. And my legs...my legs had the worst of it. The pattern was thinner, but closer together and the swirls were tighter.

Suddenly, the closed door flew open. My eyes widened in surprise. Standing there was Atticus, Daniel and a few other people. Quite a crowd, I wonder why so many people came just because I screamed. I blushed pink when I realized I was standing in front of a bunch of people shirtless.

"Arianna, you're awake..." Atticus started nervously. I saw his eyes drop down, he stared at the marks and I felt like even more of a freak then before. "My god..." Someone said from behind Atticus. I dropped my head in pure embarrassment and raised my head again. "What happened...?" I asked. Daniel came forward and grabbed me roughly. He pulled me towards him. He stared at my wrist and then my face. I pulled away from him but his grip tightened. "Let me go." I said slowly. He narrowed his eyes at me and sighed. "What do you remember?" That was an odd question. But it seemed easy to answer. "Well I remember you abandoning me, then eventually getting to the safe house and then falling asleep. And then I had a dream..." I can't remember what the dream was, but I knew that I had some strong emotions towards it.

Daniel turned around. "Get Gabriel in here. Now." He started pacing across the nicely decorated room. He was wearing a t-shirt and jeans but that was when I noticed his skin. He had cuts and bruises all over him. He must have fought pretty hard. It hurt me a bit to see him hurt even though he seemed not to care that much about me. Atticus was still staring at me when I picked up my shirt from the floor. I held it in my hands. The ugly black color of the shirt was making me sick.

I walked out into the room as well. I plopped down on the bed and watched Daniel pace back and forth. Then the door opened and my gaze shifted. I felt a familiar, powerful aura that was over whelming. My skin grew hot and when I looked down, the white marks glowed blue. I looked back up to see a pare of shocking golden eyes. I knew that look. I knew him but I couldn't remember. He was tall, so shockingly tall. His golden hair was perfect and so was his features. He was glowing. I knew at that moment that he was an angel.

"What the fuck is wrong with her?" Daniel exploded at the angel. That hurt me, it really did. It felt worse then a slap. I was a freak and I always would be. For some reason I just kept becoming more of a freak. Even Michelle back at the orphanage called me a freak countless times. I had always known I was different. I just forgot to care. And then I did care. People always stared at me and they whispered.

"Daniel, I suggest you calm down. You're making the poor thing anxious." His smooth voice purred. I didn't look up though. I just continued to stare at my horrible looking skin. I ran my finger over one of the marks. I instantly retracted my hand. The markings were hot to the touch, yet I didn't feel warm.

"Don't tell me what to do. What is the matter with her? One minute shes convulsing, then shes sleeping for 16 hours and now she looks like a fucking christmas tree." Was Daniel always like this? Was I too happy just because I was finally getting adopted that I neglected the fact that he was heartless? I pulled my shirt over my head and stuck my arms through the arm holes. I was ugly.

"Daniel shut up, will you? You've been acting like a real jerk lately." Atticus yelled at him. Then Daniel stared at Atticus. The two met eyes and no words were needed. After a few moments, the angel spoke up. "Would you like to know why her skin is like this or not?"

I dared to look up at me and as soon as I did, he turned his head. His eyes met mine and I felt the intensity of his stare instantly. He tilted his head, before stepping towards me. I never dropped my gaze, even when he stood in front of me. The angel towered above me. I had to crane my neck to keep eye contact. He placed a hand on my arm.

Power surged through me and filled my very being. It burned, but somehow it was a good burn. I felt my skin heat up and glow. I closed my eyes as the power became intense and the burning grew to the point where it was unbearable. How could pain not hurt? I was trying to wrap my head around something too complex. I was panting for air that seemed to come in shorter breaths. I felt the angel take his hand away and then he took a step away.

I opened my eyes and peered at the faces staring back at me. I looked down to see my skin shining so brightly that it burned my eyes. To quote Daniel, what the fuck is wrong with me?

Her Sweet Revengeजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें