Chapter Twenty Six

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The Nanny

The moment Sulli stepped at the entrance of the ballroom hall all eyes were darted at her and she has no idea why. Her eyes wandered at the crowd looking for someone in particular... and the person she's looking for was on the stage staring at her from a far mindlessly.. she was dazzled by the flashes of camera. It was as if she was in the middle of a movie.. she faced palm trying to hide her face, The least she wanted was to see herself at the frontpage of a tabloid or newspapers. Why do they even wanted her to be their subject.. which in fact she is a nobody. She's just Mr. Minho son's Nanny. Thankfully Mr. Kim held her arm and gesture her to the side..

"Are you okay Ms. Sulli?" asked Mr.Kim.

"Ha? Ah of course.. why wouldn't I be okay?" she said.

"I mean those medias were harrassing you.. by taking your photos." said Mr. Kim.

"But why? I mean.. why do they even bother to take my photos when I'm just a nobody." she shrugged.

"Well.. I guess someone was captivated by your looks tonight and he's been staring at you the moment you entered the hall." said Mr. Kim which made her furrow her brows.

"Are you talking about your boss?" she asked bluntly.

Mr. Kim just shrugged... then they heard Mr. Minho continued his speech.

"There is no short-cut to success... Luck is not a chance.. to me luck is another name for hardwork. Failures.. it face us at every step. Success can be achieved by those who do not mind failures, but struggle on till the end is reached. And when our energy fails us, we should remember the Rome was not built in a day. With that in mind fresh vigor and energy will infuse to us. But we must not think that the success can be achieved with the help of Aladdin's lamp.. perseverance and fortitude in order to earned fortune's smile."

Sulli was moved by his words.. he was excellent. She can hear the crowd gave him an applause after his speech. He was indeed successful from his own perception. Somehow Sulli felt grateful that she became a part of Mr. Minho's life.. as she was learning a lot from him. It made her realized now that... it's okay to fail. She smiled and join the crowd to give Mr. Minho an around of applause.

"Thank you Mr. Choi for the wonderful speech.." said the host.

"I didn't say I'm done yet.." Mr. Minho interrupted which made the crowd went silent again.

"Oh?.. I'm sorry Mr. Choi the floor is still yours. Please continue" said the host and bowed at the head apologetically. Minho just chuckled.

"At the middle of my speech... I paused for a moment and the media took someone's photo of a woman. Would you mind if I ask you to give me the copies of those photos?" said Mr. Minho which made her creased her brow.

"Yah.. Mr. Kim what is he talking? Was it still a part of his speech?" she nudge Mr. Kim.

"Ssshh.. just listen and watch him." said Mr. Kim.

"Ah Mr. Choi excuse me.. can we ask if who was that woman? I mean what is she to you?" asked the media man.

"I'm sorry.. we don't entertain such question." said the host.. "I'm sorry Mr. Choi." the host turned to the Mr. Minho..

Mr. Minho just shoved his hand. "It's okay... I don't tend to talk about my personal life in public.. pardon me. But then.. let me ask a favor not to screw things for me. That woman is not a public figure.. as much as I want to tell the world how she change me in a span of time.. we're not on that part, yet. You don't want me to be scolded later.. do you?" said Mr. Minho which made the crowd laugh. "And I'm also kinda possesive.." he added humorously... as if giving a hint.

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