Chapter Eight

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The Nanny..


Sulli woke up on a strange bed. Everything in the room was new to her. She stared at the ceiling for a moment until she remember where she was.

" Ugh.. what time is it?" she thought while looking at the alarm clock beside her bed. " It's seven o'clock." she said heaving a sigh. Even if she wanted to just lay down on the bed, and snuggle with her pillow under the sheets she just can't, Yoogeun has a soccer practice at nine. She lazily get out of the bed and get moving. She walked towards Yoogeun's room to check if he's still sleeping. And there he was still drooling in his sleep. " It's just seven, it's too early too wake you up Mr. Tattle-tale." she thought. Stretching up a bit before heading towards the bathroom to get a shower.

She was in the midst of her shower when she remembered what happened last night with her and Mr. Minho. No, it's not what your thinking.

Last night..

After she tucked Yoogeun in bed and sing some lullabies until the boy fell asleep. She immediately call off the night as she silently closed the door of Yoogeun's room just to be surprise to saw the back of Mr. Choi, it seems he was about to take a glimpse of his son and yet dismiss the idea when he saw her. The door was a bit open and he might saw her there and hesitated to get inside.

Mr. Choi wasn't really a fan of her being there in his house and as Yoogeun's Nanny. He always show his arrogant side everytime he sees her. Though, it was just her first day, what more on the following days. She doesn't mind, anyway. She's there because she has to get away from her Mom, she has to find herself first.. what she really wants. And besides she's somehow enjoying the new environment.

So back with Mr. Choi...

" Oh Mr. Choi, you're there?" she asked.

Mr. Choi just nodded without even glancing at her.

" Ah Mr. Choi, can I.. can I ask you something?" she hesitantly said.

" What?" Mr. Choi asked, annoyance was visible in his face when he turned his gaze at her.

" Hmm.. you and Mr. Kim. Are you.. are two a..?" she said stuttering she don't know how to ask him directly without offending him.

" What? I and Mr. Kim... what?" asked Mr. Choi impatienly. Then she saw him widened his eyes and warned her not to say anything. Though, it was too late since she already blurted it out.

" Are you and Mr. Kim in a relationship? like... you know?" she asked bluntly without even thinking that it would be another blow to his manly ego. First he thought him as a fugly faced man in his late 30's going bald and now.. he thought him as a closet gay, bisexual or whatever you may call it. Mr. Minho closed his eyes and spoke quitely through clenched teeth as he nodded. Her eyes widened, she saw him nod. That does mean..

" Omo..!" she exclaimed.

" Whaaaat?" Mr. Choi's voice echoed at the hallway of the house, that made her squirmed.

But nonethless it didn't stop her..

" Mr. Choi you're gay?" she asked bluntly.

" Shit, just shit!!" she heard him cursing her. She gulped. She can see his stare flaming with anger. She bit her lips and closed her eyes when Mr. Choi clutched her forearms tightly as he forcefully pushed her on the wall. She trembled, slowly opening her eyes to met Mr. Choi's glare but almost gasped when his face was just inches away from her.

" Your name is Choi Sulli, right?"

She nodded.

" Ms. Choi Sulli, you and your lovely mouth! Did your Mom ever tell you, if you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all?"  Mr. Minho said sarcastically. Once again he saw him clenched his teeth before letting go of her hands.

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