Chapter Seven

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The Nanny..

" Thank you Mr. Choi." she said but didn't get any reply from him. The almighty Mr. Choi just walked out from them.

" Oh well, our little negotiations are over. Why do we always have this kind of negotiations with both Choi's anyway." Victoria grimacingly said. In regards with both Yoogeun and his Dad, seems the two has similar traits. They're both stubborn.

" So now Nanny, I hope you lessen down yourself for being so tactless. Mr. Choi is really a hard person." Victoria said to her.

" I'm sorry Ms. Victoria. It won't happen again." she said bowing her head.

" It should not happen again. By the way, your room will be upstairs near Yoogeun's room. Come, follow me." Victoria take the lead and she just follow her behind. While Krystal and Yoogeun was left in the living room.

Victoria take her to a peach room, the room wasn't as big as her room back home. It has a single bed, a mini closet and a dresser.

" Ah, this is cute.." she said.

" That door is your bathroom and that one its a connecting door in Yoogeun's room. Did I mention that you are restricted to enter the masters bedroom?" said Victoria.

She nodded. " Yes."

" That is the masters bedroom. Avoid going there, only the helper is allowed to go there. Understand?" Victoria pointed the room in the left wing.

" Yes, I understand." she said.

Sapcing out..

Is he hiding something? Is he a closet gay.. ehh! she felt goosebumps. Come to think of it she never saw her wife, yet.. as her thoughts running wild again.

" Nanny are you listening?" Victoria cut off her thoughts.

" Ah I'm sorry, your saying something?" Sulli asked facing Ms. Victoria. Confusion was written on her face. Confused with the ideas popping out her mind.

" See, you are not even paying attention. This is an important information for you to know, that is if you want to pass your one week probation." rant Victoria rolling her eyes out of disappointment with her.

" I'm sorry." she mumbled.

" Okay, as what I'm saying. Yoogeun has a strict nutritious diet. Take note of that, he isn't allowed to eat chocolates or any sweet for that matter. His milk is a non-fat milk." Victoria reminded her.

" Okay, noted." she said.

" Tomorrow is Saturday, no school. Yoogeun has a soccer practice. After that you can go somewhere except malls. It was written on the note I left you." said Victoria. She nodded.

" I hope I made it clear." Victoria said with a scowling look.

" Yes, ah Ms. Victoria. Why I haven't seen Mrs. Choi, yet?" there she asked it. The question that has been playing in her mind.

" If I were you, I won't ask such questions. It's a family matter Nanny. " said Victoria which made her curious.

" Oh, okay." she just said. But her mind didn't stop to think about what Ms. Victoria exactly meant by that.

" If you need something just call me okay? Me and Krystal will go now. Take care of Yoogeun." Victoria said.

" Wait.. you and Ms. Krystal will leave? the two of you don't live here?" she asked.

Victoria nods. " Yes, we live on our own." the lady shrugged. " Why?"

" So you mean I, Yoogeun and Mr. Minho will be left here in this house?" she asked.

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