Chapter Nine

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The Nanny..

" I have never seen a woman like her?" Taemin commented when the lady and Yoogeun were now out of sight.

" Well, neither do I!" he said.

" Hey, they're going to Yoogeun's soccer practice right?" asked Taemin.

" Yes, why do you ask?" he said. His attention were back again to the newspaper that he's reading. Sipping the coffee that the lady made for him as her peace offering. Actually, the coffee was much better than the coffee that his secretary usually made for him at the office.

" Why don't we go with them?" said Taemin. Who was about to touch the sandwhich that Ms. Sulli made.

" Don't touch that, it's mine." he said shoving his hand away his sandwhich.

" But I thought you don't like what she made?" said Taemin in protest.

" I never said that. You just assumed." he said and started eating the sandwhich. " Hmm." he mumbles in between bites.

" Pssh..! what I'm saying is... let's go with them?" said Taemin.

" I don't think that's a good idea. Besides I have a lot of things to do here, I'd rather spent my time browse all the businesss files on my computer." he said.

" Yah, as if we're not talking about your son here. Give a spare time with your own son, will you?" said Taemin.

" That's an emotional blackmail, you know?" he said ignoring Taemin.

" Oh c'mon, just this once." Taemin persistently said.

Minho stared at him, he knew Taemin will just throw his tantrums at him if he won't have what he wants.

" Okay fine! Let me change first." he said in surrender. He just change into a more comfy clothes and ride in Taemins red audi r8 sports car.

Sulli and Yoogeun arrived at the empty soccer field. She was expecting a lot of kids who's supposedly to be Yoogeun's playmate but there were none. Aside from her..  Yoogeun and Mr. Kim and only the coach were inside the soccer field.

" Where are the people?" she asked.

" If your wondering why there's no kid aside from Yoogeun. It is because this is an exclusive practice for him." said Mr. Kim as to answer for her question.

" Seriously? This is boring you know. What does Mr. Choi want Yoogeun to be? Incompetent? Shouldn't be soccer needs a lot of player?" she said.

" It's because Mr. Choi doesn't want Yoogeun being bullied by other kids." said Mr. Kim.

" Silly, being bullied is a part of growing up." she said. " How about you Mr. Kim do you already have children?" she asked.

" No, I don't have. I'm still single, though." Mr. Kim answered shyly while scratching his head.

" I see, but soon you will have right?" she asked looking at Mr. Kim intently.

" Yeah, of course. I might.. " said Mr. Kim.

" So never do this kind of stuff with your soon to be children. You have to help your child to make new friends or you might spend your spare time with your child play games with them that emphasize sharing, patience or other important skills.. socializing rather than just sit on your chair and read your newspaper the whole day." she said in rants. Seeing on how sad Yoogeun life is.. she can only heave a sigh.

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