Chapter Nineteen

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"Where's my Daddy and Nanny, Amber?" asked Yoogeun with a sad face.

"They're having a date." said Key, Amber nudge him.

"A date? Who's on a date?" asked Victoria with scrutiny.. who happenly heard them.

"Ahm.. us. We're dating." said Amber putting her arm in Key's shoulder.

"Yeah... we are dating." said Key... which made Victoria raised her brow.

"I see.. come here Yoogeun eat your cereals." said Victoria.

"I don't like! I want Nanny.." Yoogeun said throwing his tantrums.

Victoria rolled her eyes in disgust. "Aish.. your Nanny isn't here, c'mon."

"Then I want Amber. I don't like to go with you!" said the kid.

"Okay, fine!" said Victoria and then walked out..

"Let's go, eat your cereals?" asked Amber.. just then when Yoogeun nodded.

"I didn't know you have a thing for kid.." Key nudge at her. Amber just nudge him back as they head their way to the kitchen.


Ms. Sulli was nagging the whole time they've been walking along Amnam Park's coastal walk. Instead of enjoying the scenery of Songdo beach her worries kept on bugging her.

"Yah.. Mr. Minho are you even listening to me? How about Yoogeun, by now the kid has been looking for me." said Ms. Sulli.. he was walking ahead from her.

"Will you stop talking? Yoogeun is fine Victoria will take care of him... and so is Krystal and Taemin. There's also Amber and Key... and..." he said but stopped.. it's much better not to mention Yunho, for he's afraid he might see excitement on the lady's face.

"And who?" asked Ms. Sulli her hands on her waist.

"And Mr. Kim who else..." he said not looking at her way.

Ms. Sulli crooked her head as she narrowed her eyes. "Ms. Victoria is there?"

"Yeah.." he simply answered.

"With whom? How did she knows where in Busan?" Ms. Sulli's query.

Minho let out a sigh as he puts his hands on his waist too and faced Ms. Sulli. Yeah, the girl is with him but her mind is somewhere else. He's really feeling jealous with his own son.. that was so silly of him. But he wished he would be Yoogeun even just for a day.. He walks towards Ms. Sulli and grab her arm..

"Look.. why don't we just enjoy the scenery instead of worrying yourserlf from the people at the beach house?" said Mr. Minho he may sound selfish for not thinking of his own son, but Yoogeun will be fine as long as Vic and others are there. They sure won't let Yoogeun out of there sight.

"How could you say that... don't you have any concern with your own child?" Ms. Sulli said staring at him with accussing eyes.

"That's ouch.. don't get me wrong here Ms. Sulli. Of course I do care with my son. But he is fine back there.. I already talked to Mr. Kim and told him to look after Yoogeun." he explained.

"Then I wanna talk to Mr. Kim. Oh wait.. I'll call Amber instead." the lady said taking the phone he gave her from her pocket and was about to dial Amber's number.

"Wait.. give me your phone." he said trying to grab the phone from her.

"I thought you're giving this to me?" the lady said.. hiding the phone from him.

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