Chapter 8 -- Relèvé

Magsimula sa umpisa

"I'll go and check if pwede ka nang mag out. Be back" Liz closed the door behind her and then she was gone

"Small world huh?" His eyes crinkled in humor as he smiled at me

"I guess. So you're somewhat.. friends with Liz?"

"Yeah.. I bet you are too. Tho, I haven't really seen you before. Even on her birthday back in med school."

"I studied abroad and I'm back.. hoping I could patch things up but failed miserably"

"I don't wanna be nosy but this Travis guy you were talking about.."

"You are quite the gossip monger alright" I let out a few giggles before I turned serious "He's... " I stuttered, unable to find words to complete it. I sighed "He's someone really special but he hates me now. If only I could bring back time"

"Never regret anything that has happened in your life, it cannot be changed, undone, or forgotten. So take it as a lesson learned and move on"

"If moving on is leaving that special someone behind, then no. I'd like to stay and fight than regretting I haven't done anything"

He gave out a low whistle "That's deep,Monique" He winked at me "For someone I've met less than 24 hours ago, I'd say you earn my respect on that"

"I'm all good, I've taken care of your discharge plan." Liz uttered as she got her LV bag on her should and shut the door firmly. "I didn't bring my wheels with me so I asked Adrian to..."

"I don't mind giving you girls a hitch. I brought mine with me"

Liz hesitated at first, raising her right brow as she did before she said "Alrighty then" Shaking my head, I had to admit that their silent battle is quite amusing to see

Feeling silly, but strangely free after finally being discharged so early, Liz reached out for me to lend a hand in getting out of the soft white bed of my private hospital room

With Liz by my side, Darren also was gentleman enough to open the door for us. He then escorted me to the door, and grinned at me as I stepped out onto the hall and finally the elevator going to the underground carpark of St. Anne

Darren immediately turn the alarm off on his 4-door, 5-passenger Red Cadillac SRX. It was not hard to spot in the pool of dark-colored cars in the carpark of the hospital. In fact, it was obviously brand new

After settling on the passenger's seat, Liz took the back seat and had her arms akimbo while looking anywhere else but Darren's

Darren, however, made small talk with me for the rest of the ride, making me laugh and forget the stress of the day. When we arrived at the subdivision in QC where I've been staying at our old house, I couldn't help but notice how, from time to time, he would steal that all-too-knowing glimpse on Liz in the backseat

Sighing, I sank into the seat some more and smiled "You know guys, even though you deny it on my face, I could feel the tension you know"

Liz just rolled my eyes at me and I couldn't help but laugh. Darren pretend he didn't hear me tho and continued to eye the road in front of us

And when we finally reached my place, I saw another car parked right at the side of the gate. It was an unfamiliar Gray Maserati GrandTurismo and if it wasn't for Liz, I wouldn't know that it was Travis'

Darren exited the car with an easy grace, and extended his hand to assist me. Strong fingers wrapped around mine, enveloping with incredible heat.

My lips tightened, I certainly did not find it as amusing as Darren did, but the next step hurt less, the next one even less than that.

Footprints on my HeartTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon