Farting Keyboards

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"Be quiet!" she snapped.

"My day was great, thanks for asking," I smiled brightly at her.

She kept glaring at me and I continued smiling at her.

"That's cool, just keep glaring at me. You know you could just take a picture. You can glare at it all day if you wanted," I said.

She opened her mouth about to say something, but she was interrupted.


"See ya later, Ms. Fredrikson," I waved a good bye at her.

"Sit," the vice principal pointed.

I sat down in a chair and looked at her name tag sitting on her desk. It said Mrs. Plum. I snickered, imagining her as a round plum.

"Quit laughing!" Mrs. Plum said.

I stopped. "My apologies, ma'am."

"So, care to explain what that crowd was about?"

I started to explain her the whole situation, and she let it go.

"Alright, tell your friend that I hope he's alright," she said and waved me off.

"What did Mrs. Plum say to you?" Jeremy asked me after school had ended.

"She let me off."

"Seriously?" his eyes widened in shock.

"Well I kinda told her that you choked and I was helping you. And everyone cheered because I saved your life," I said.

Adrian and Serenity laughed, and shook their heads.

"Great lie, Marnabebe," Jeremy smirked.

"Yeah, whatever," I mumbled.

"Ok Marns! Ready to go shopping?" Serenity said in excitement.

"Yup! Lets go!"

After about 2 and a half hours of shopping, I cam home with about 3 huge shopping bags. Ren loves to shop, she even bought two whole bag of stuff for me.

"Did you have fun?" Matt asked as I dragged my bags in.

"Yup, it was quite the work out," I nodded.

"So I was think we should invite Serenity over sometime. To tell her about the situation she's in," Matt said.

"I guess so," I said hesitantly.

"Good, invite her over soon."

"Ok," I then proceeded to drag my shopping bags upstairs.

I turned on my my laptop to check my grades. I was pretty much passing every class, but Algebra 2. Damn math, ruining my life. I groaned and took out my math homework. Don't think I'm stupid or anything, I do get it. I just don't try. I'm gonna be immortal for life, so I don't know what I'd do for the rest of my life after high school passes. I took out my math homework for tonight and groaned. At least 80 percent of it instructed to solve x.

"SOLVE YOUR OWN GOD DAMN PROBLEM!" I yelled at my math homework. "And tell me, why must I find your x? She or he probably left you for a reason since you have too many damn problems. Gosh, go see a therapist or something!" I continued talking to my homework.

My laptop suddenly started to ring. I looked up and saw that Ren was trying to skype me. I answered it.

"Hey Ren," I smiled at her.

"Hey Marns!" she greeted.

"What's cracka lackin?" I asked her.

"Homework, you?"

My Painful Secret (On hold)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant