You Matter *

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My note to each one of you.

Mom. I'm sorry I was such a disappointment. I'm sorry I was never good enough. I'm sorry you had to deal with my thoughts. I wish I could have told you more. But I knew that you wouldn't want me to think like that. So I kept it in. Bottled it up. Because I'm strong. Just like you wanted me to be.

Dad. I'm sorry I wasn't enough. I'm sorry I was always in your way. I'm glad you're happy with her. Even though it slowly eats away at me I'm still happy. Please just promise me one thing. Stay by her side. She loves you and you love her. You're my King daddy. I'll always be your little girl.

HC083002. My best friend. Beautiful and strong. You've always been there for me. You have always been the first one to notice the pain. And you always helped me. Your kindness towards even some of the most cruel things amazes me. Stay kind please. And spread your gift.

AluraFlare. My sister. I love you dearly. Your devotion to those who need help is beautiful. Your personality and mind are always at peace. Even in the midst of chaos. You're amazing. Please continue helping others.

KingKaiju2003. My insane little brother. You're funny, charismatic, and completely insane. Your love towards others is amazing and you always have an attitude that brings joys to our lives.

Fang4567. My insane little sister. With your big personality in a little body you bring out the best in others. You speak up for your own beliefs and you're amazing for people to look up too.

Everyone else. My friends. No. My family is what you all are. Your kindness, craziness, caring personalities makes everyone's life better. Whether you're tall, short, black, white, asian,  chinease, japenese, or anything else. You matter. Not just to me but to everyone. You matter so much and I love each and every one of you. Don't let your demons consume you like mine did to me. Don't let them control you. Don't mark your beautiful bodies that you were gifted with. Smile. That's all you have to do. Smile. When you're sad. Smile. When your mad. Smile. And I know it sounds crazy, but don't depend on anyone to keep you happy. Because at the end of the day. All you have. Is yourself. And you have to be happy with yourself. Because you are you. And no one can change that.

So don't beat yourself up over that one bad test. Or that one fight you had with a friend. Don't destroy your beautiful body because someone said you're ugly or fat. Because you are beautiful! Every inch of your body, soul, mind, everything is beautiful.

If you feel sad. Speak up. If you feel upset. Speak up. Tell someone how you feel. Let them help you. Don't make yourself fight alone. Because trust me. You won't win every battle. Don't let someone's words attack you. Don't use their words as reasons to harm yourself.

I let those things get to me. And in the end I didn't win that fight. Fighting for years it wore me down. Slowly but surly. I know I should have talked to someone. But as the years went on it hurt to open up. I was always told that I didn't matter. That my life didn't matter. My feelings weren't special. They were just there for everyone to step on.

And the mistake I made.

Was that I believed them.

So for now. These notes play through my head. Over and over. And here they are. So you know.  That if I do leave. You'll know what my last thoughts were.

They were about you.

How beautiful




And strong you are.

You matter.

And I love you.

So don't forget that.

Because you matter.

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