Emma's hands stayed gripped around the steering wheel, and Wanda pulled her hands away from the vents and sat back.

"Sometimes I see it in you," Wanda added.

Emma veered off of the side of the road, then shut the car down.

They were on an empty strip of road, both sides surrounded by tall, thick trees. The road was wet from the dew and the birds and squirrels were causing the branches to dance, making them sway.

Even from inside of the car Wanda could tell there wasn't any wind.

The day felt a little lifeless.

"I want you to know that there is nothing chimerical about who you are and what you can do. But to people who aren't like us—who can't fathom the amount of power and fear we sometimes feel—it can be to them. We're even sometimes looked at as monstrosities, even to our own kind."

Emma took a breath, and Wanda could see Emma's sparkling hands reaching up for the necklace around her neck.

"I just don't want you to fear yourself because others fear you. We're all different in some way, the only difference is is that you're magical. That should never be a bad thing."

"Other people, even like us, don't fear you. They look up to you, they admire you."

Emma scoffed, and Wanda turned her head to look at her.

"I wasn't always loved and admired, Wanda. It took me a very, very long time to get to where I am right now."

"How long before you became the White Queen?" Wanda asked.

Emma turned and met her gaze, but Wanda was surprised to see that there was a smile beginning to form on her lips. "It was my brother who told me I looked good in white—that it was my color. I think in some way, that's when the title started to form itself. But it wasn't until I joined this club that I was appointed as the White Queen."

Wanda bowed her head in a half-nod, and Emma reached over and touched the rings on her hand. Her cool finger felt like a cool breeze against Wanda's skin, but it wasn't cold enough to cause a shiver.

"There have been White Queens before me, Wanda, but never has there been a Scarlet Witch," Wanda watched Emma admiringly, just like she always had, as she twisted the ring on her middle finger around. "There has never been someone like you, and that is why people fear you at first. You're something new, something unique that they feel needs to be studied. Humans do that—they study things that don't make sense to them."

"And mutants? What do they do?"

Emma smiled to herself, and Wanda wondered what she was thinking.

"They adjust," she answered, and Wanda thought long and hard on that answer because she knew Emma was right. "Alright, let's head back before Markus storms into that place without us there. God knows the team wouldn't stand a chance without us."

Wanda grinned wickedly, and she touched her rings one more time before looking back out the window.


Natasha pointed her gun at the target, but as she tilted her head slightly, the bruising on her neck went sore.

She hissed, bringing her gun down and setting it back on the table.

Chaos (Sequel to Agony)Where stories live. Discover now