Chapter 49

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||"You don't know what it's like to live with a broken heart until you find its missing piece beating in someone else's chest."||

When she opened her eyes, she couldn't see a thing.

But her magic was stirring frantically inside of her belly—she could feel it.

Finally, her vision slowly came back, and she reached out to who she thought was was Natasha, but when her sight cleared up, she realized it was just Crystal.

"Oh, look, you're awake," she said, her voice nurturing and very un-like Crystal. "I was starting to worry my favorite witch wouldn't be around anymore," she added, and Wanda heard herself scoff, but she was a little bit happy to hear Crystal's regular snappy comment. "Here, have this."

She handed Wanda a glass of water, then helped her sit up.

"I don't remember...I can't remember what happened," Wanda breathed out, her rings tapping against the glass.

All she could remember was the nightmare.

"To sum it up for you," Crystal said, bringing her legs up and holding them close, "you went all witchy on us last night. I don't even know what you were doing, but it was definitely witchy."

Wanda had flashes of her night with Steve, of their kissing and their loving, but everything after that was a blur. The only clear thing in her mind was the nightmare, and of the immense anger she felt while dreaming it.

"I—I can't remember," she admitted, taking a cool sip of water.

"You did something to Steve, too," Crystal added, and Wanda brows furrowed as she turned to look at Crystal.

"What do you mean I did something? Where is he?"

Crystal shrugged her shoulders, looking over at the door. "Last I checked he was in his own room, resting. The both of you have been sleeping for the entire day."

Wanda felt an urgent need to rush to him, to see if he was okay, to make sure that she hadn't hurt him. But her body felt heavy and her magic was brewing deep, down inside, and she worried that if she moved too much, things would get out of control.

"Look Wanda, he's fine and you're fine and everyone else is fine—maybe a bit jumpy—but we're fine."

The door creaked open, and Nik's curly hair and soft eyes appeared, giving her a sense of comfort.

"You're awake," he said, walking in. "Maybe we can talk now." Before closing the door, Nik stepped aside, letting Cas walk in. The both of them looked sleep deprived, but it didn't change the fact that Cas looked incredibly handsome with his black hair and honey eyes, nor did it change Nik's soft features and his gentle face.

Crystal took the glass of water from Wanda, then sat down on the bed beside her so that Cas could sit in the chair.

"Where is everyone?" Wanda asked them.

"Your brother is out doing a run on the alarms, Tony and Emma are in his lab, Natasha and Bucky are clearing out the weapons storage room in the training room, and Sam is watching over Steve."

Nik sat down on the other side of the bed, his hand reaching out to grab hers. "Are you okay?" he asked softly, and she squeezed his hand and answered a quiet yes. "You scared me a bit last night," he said to her, and she was reminded of everything.

"Can someone try and explain to me what actually happened?" she said to the three of them, and they all looked at each other and tried to figure out what to actually say. So Wanda held Nik's hand and tried her best to think back to the previous night, specifically the moments during her nightmare where she knew she was dreaming.

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