It was like I could almost see his heart drop to his feet. His face palened and his chest clenched up. "Is that a threat?"

"Wow, you care?" I knew he cared. I was just stubborn.

"Lizzie, you know damn well I care about you a lot." He returned to his pissed off posture.

"Prove it." Everything grew bone chillingly silent. Quiet enough to make your blood run cold and your heart to be heard. "Excatly. You can't because you don't have feelings for me or you're stubborn like me and won't admit them to save your own life." I had to break the silence before it drove me insane. Pushing past him viscously with my shoulder, he grabbed onto my waist. "Remington!"

My blood boiled and my teeth popped through my gums. His grips tightened as he picked me up. "Remington Leith! Put me down now!" I hissed between my teeth.

He closed the door to his room and locked it shut, putting me down. His eyes scanned me as I stood there pissed off at him. "I'm not opening to door. It will only open with a key."

I narrowed my eyes and flashed my teeth. "Open the door."

"Or the tiny princess will bite me?" He smirked.

"Is this a joke to you?"

"Quite frankly, yes." He cocked his head. I flashed my teeth again. "Oh I have teeth too, Princess." His sharp teeth elongated from his gums. "I'll bite too. Again. I know you liked it the first time."

My eyes widened and my heart raced. "Is that why I woke up in your clothing?"

His smirk dropped and his teeth shrunk back in. "I'm not that sick, Lizzie."

I let out a long sigh and stared at the floor. "Eyes."

"Eyes?" He repeated.

"You won't answer my question about our eyes." I met his gaze again.

"That's a total change of subject." He raised his eyebrow.

"Answer my question, Remington. Or I will leave." His pulse quickened and I could hear his heart pounding against his chest.

A loud knock and a ring of the doorbell saved him. "Later." He used the key from around his neck to unlock the door. "Please don't act a fool, it's my brother."

"Brother?" I followed him into the kitchen and living room.

"Just don't-..." He puts he hand up to quiet me and reached for the door. "Say anything stupid."

I bit down on my tongue and faked a smile at him. "Fine, were just one small happy couple." The wording was taken out of context but my mouth couldn't form what I meant.

Reaching up to grab a cup to fill with blood, I watched him open the door to a slightly taller, medium brown haired boy. His style was nothing like Remington's, almost old fashioned, gentleman, model type. His hair was longer too, kinda like one of the Beatles, framing his face all the way around and ending at his sharp jawline. That they shared. Even his cheekbones seemed to indent from how sharp it was.

Their eyes were the same shape, but his were a greenish-blue. Hard to tell from a distant. He seemed to almost have a hard, pissed off look on his face. He had feathery looking earrings in and a couple necklaces on. The only thing missing from his look was a pocket watch, handkerchief, one of those single glasses lenses thing that you had for one eye, and a cane. Also a top hat would complete the look, but apparently he was more modern then that, but not by much.

His eyes met mine as I finished pooring the blood from the bag into my thermos and took a sip. I hadn't even bothered warming it, for the fear of annoying Remington more.

"Sebastian, you haven't met Lizzie, my newborn. I'll tell you more later." Remington bit down on his lip as Sebastian's eyes moved from mine to his. "And Lizzie, this is my older brother Sebastian. Actually my creater and blood brother."

"See, now he looks like he's from your time." I pointed the plastic, blue straw at Sebastian but quickly closed my mouth.

Sebastian nodded at me. "Nice to meet you." His voice deeper and smoother then Remington's, whereas Remington's was more scratchy. "Can I talk to you alone Remington?"

That was my cue to leave the room. "I'll be in your room, Remington. Since its hot in mine." I hurried away and closed the door just enough to make it look shut, but a crack still remained that I could hear their conversation.

Everything was silent for a couple minutes until Sebastian spoke up again. "Royale Council has gotten word of a new born you have but you haven't confirmed it with them. They've also gotten word of you two. They demand you go there tonight for a meeting, both of you, or they will come and drag you both away. It won't be pretty so I suggest you go as soon as possible." His voice was harse and stern.

Apparently the Royale council was not to be played with. Quite frankly I wouldn't want to mess with a group of Vampires, even if I am one.

Remington sighed. "So they sent you here to inform me?"

"Well you've been in hiding for years, they knew Emerson and I were the only ones who knew of your whereabouts. They respect your privacy and choice to stay out of war and trouble but they need to know about her. And they need to know about you two and conduct the ceremony." Ceremony? For what?

"Sebastian..." Remington's soft voice rung out. "I don't think the ceremony is the best. She doesn't even know and right now she hates me."

"You haven't told her?" Seb's voice rose.

"For her sake. She's not like the rest of us, Seb. She doesn't believe in those things and has a really hard time trusting people." The sympathy in his voice poored out like a waterfall.

Sebastian sighed. "She's going to have to get over it. Ceremony is going to be scheduled soon weather she likes it or not and you will be bound together. Doesn't mean she has to like you. Now go before the sun rises or its your ass, hers, and mine. I'm not taking the blame for you, again. I love you, Remmy, but.... Last time I took blame for you, Emerson was turned against his will." The door creaked open but the glass door outside of it remained shut, as it would've made an almost, faint, whistle sound. "I saw your eyes. Both of yours. Fix it. I don't know what you did-"

Remington cut him off, "I didn't mean to."

"I don't care. Fix it or the ceremony will fail and you'll lose your one chance to be bound. I know that's what you wanted since mom and dad died." His voice lowered to a caring tone. "Good. Come see me when its done and tell me how it went. And tell Emerson I miss him." He paused. "We need to meet for thanksgiving. Us and our bounds."

"Consider it planned." Remington's tone cheered up a bit. The glass door started to open but he spoke again, "Sebastian?" He paused. "Thank you."

"No problem, little bro." Then the doors closed.

I carefully shut the door fully and sat on his bed. Bound? Ceremony? Was this some punishment? Thanksgiving with them and their bounds?

I guess I'll be finding out tonight.

Die For Something (Remington Leith/ Palaye Royale/ Denis Stoff)Where stories live. Discover now