"Come in," Fain called back before returning to her soapy palms.

"Uh- Oh ok-" the door gave way and they stepped in. Fain's back to the door she didn't turn around until they cleared their throat.

Revolving around she gasped and made quick to cover herself and sink up to her neck in the water, "Khadgar!" Fain exclaimed thinking it was the woman from before.

"I'm sorry! Don't worry I can't see anything! I just- I brought your clothes," He sheepishly lifted the folded garmets he'd toted in, "I...I didn't think you'd enjoy wearing one of the dresses the maid was going to bring." He offered his doofy grin hoping she wasn't mad to see him, "I'm sorry, here let me set these and I'll-"

"Y-You don't have to leave," Fain piped out as she peered over at him from her water refugee, "I...I mean if you don't mind...the company would be nice... and, maybe you can tell me what this crystal is?" Fain lifted her finger to show him the same dissolving rock from before that stumped her.

Khadgar didn't hide the smile that creeped onto his lips but Fain's expressionless confusion stuck, "Oh- You're serious." Khadgar tried to wipe away his grin on his lips and shook his head, "It's bath salts, they smell good and make the water nice. Haven't you-"

"No, we don't take bathes. That would be wasteful," Fain groaned having to reiterate it again to him.

"Oh excuse me then," Khadgar allowed himself a small smile as he walked further in, avoiding the tub to give her the privacy, as he sat her clothes down on the counter before looking around to be pleased to see a chair near the mirror and counter.

Displacing the water as Fain moved in the tub trying to not look at her company and she could feel his discomfort just as noticeable as her own. Tearing at her bottom lip slightly, Fain felt the soap in her palm making everything around it slippery and she set it on the edge of the tub.

"...what's going to happen to you, for disobeying and treason?" Khadgar finally broke the silence, not looking up as he lean his elbows into his knees and let out a slow breath.

Fain tilted her head up so she could see him across the room, a little relieved he wasn't looking in her direction. Dipping her cupped hand into the water, Fain let the warm water drip down her back as she felt the dread welling up in her gut thinking of the outcome. Khadgar gazed over at her and saw the reddish discoloration of her wound on her shoulder. There was the present question hanging in the air but Khadgar didn't want to press it. Peering at the bar of soap on the ledge of the tub, Khadgar searched around for a small wash cloth. Snatching it from the counter he came up and offered the towel with his eyes diverted from her.

Regarding his offer, Fain didn't make a move to grab the towel immediately. Careful not to move too much out of the water before she got all the way turned around so her back was to him, "..would you mind? M-My arm hurts to lift it all the way."

Light red blush flared up on his cheeks but Khadgar gulped down his embarrassment by the woman's request.With a precarious touch, he dipped the soft cloth into the tubs warm water and proceeded to suds up the washcloth with her soap on the lip of the tub. Khadgar seized up when Fain moved but let his breath out when she was just patting the hair on the back of her neck down with water once more. No heed for him to stop Khadgar tenderly pressed the cloth against the spinal dip between her shoulder blades. Under his touch Fain visibly relaxed into the water and her shoulders slumped from her ridged posture.

No noise passed between them except that sound of the suddy cloth moving over her back as Khadgar washed and wiped away the sweat and grime from who know's how long ago. Unwinding into the touch, Fain found it easier to loosen up not being able to see his face. Dipping her hands into the water she brought a small pool of water to her face and doused the last dry bit of her. Khadgar's touch had shifted to her shoulders and Fain couldn't help lean back into him as he rubbed her aching shoulders. Beads of water dripping down her face, Fain was astonished to see just how much grime was washing off of her.

Babel's Magic-Khadgar FanFicOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora