The Girl

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Clearly, Aunt Millie was hiding something from us, no going in rooms with the red tape on the door. I mean the other rules where reasonable. That was when I was questioning whether she was really my Aunt. It was midnight and I was still tossing and turning about in my bed. I just could not sleep as my mind was wondering, asking questions to be more precise. My long brunette hair flopped about my bed, I lay half of my face on it, it was prickly and my skin began to itch. I desperately reached for my black scrunchy and tied my hair into a messy bun, that was the only way I would sleep. Then something came to my mind, the book! I jumped out of my bed and took out the old box which was under it. I grabbed the book and my torchlight and hopped back onto my bed. I clicked the button at the back and light shone out of the bulb, revealing the disgusting cover of the book. I held it away as I did not want that mouldy thing touching me. So I began to read. Demons. That was what Abraham Franklin was writing about. He said they had followers who did strange rituals. They had to keep weird creatures in spare rooms of their house. I felt a shiver down my spine. What if Aunt Millie... Maybe... I didn't know. I heard a voice come for Aunt Millie's room. I leaned in closer, what the heck. I realised there were like twenty voices saying the exact same thing. "Girls have to go." I heard. I froze in shock, did they mean us, Amy and I? I leant in closer. "Someone's listening..." They shrieked and all the voices went silent. I jumped off my bed and was rooted to the floor, OH MY GOD! They knew! Shoot.

I dove onto my bed when I heard the clanking of metal. I wrapped myself in my warm covers, it was like a nest to me. I covered my face and made a fake and faint snoring noise. What was she going to do to me!? I was thinking at that point, my lips quivering and goosebumps popping out.


"Please, I'm just scared..." Amy argued, her voice was super shaky.

"TWO RULES! TWO STROKES!!!!!!" She yelled.

I immediately ran to the door and opened it, peering out to see what all the commotion was about. WHAM! Aunt Millie rammed a metal bar against Amy's face. She took a few steps back, I noticed all of the bruises and blood as the lights were on. WHAM! Aunt Millie rammed it against her face the second time, this time it was really hard and she flew across the hallway. I saw Aunt Millie, she looked like something that was stuffed to the extent that it was about to explode, I could already picture smoke gushing out of her ears. She looked as red as ketchup. That's when I noticed to marks on her hands... Marks of eyes...

Aunt Millie went back into her room and slammed the door shut, locking it this time. I heard Amy's faint cries. She slowly got up, rubbing her face which was now all blue-black and covered in blood. "Clarriisssaa..." She said faintly, tapping my door. I immediately opened it and let her in. I switched on the lights and took some iodine for her wounds. "Ow!" She cried in pain as I dabbed on of them with some iodine on cotton. "It stings..." She cried. You must be wondering, why I have iodine in my room, as a matter of fact I have a whole medical kit. I easily get injured during games as I am an easy target as I am super skinny and fragile like a hundred year old person. I bandaged up all the cuts and asked her," Why did you go to Aunt Millie's room when you know you should not!?"

"The girl... Rose... She was there... She scared me..." Amy whimpered.

"Here, you can sleep with me." I suggested with a smile on my face, trying to not mention Rose at all. I switched off the lights and hugged Amy. I told her a story and she fell sound asleep. It was squishy, but I loved her. Now I had more questions, how did she know Rose...?

A few hours later...

Beep... Beep...

I slammed my hand on my alarm clock, it was morning, my sister woke up, squeezing her stuffed bunny, Ms. Tickles. I carried her down and she ran out of the room.

"Who bandaged her face? And what happened?" Aunt Millie asked, clearly she knew the answer to the second question. I felt like punching and let her see how the pain felt.

"Well, Amy woke me up at about midnight because I knew how to do like these kind of stuff. She said she fell and hit some furniture." I lied.

Amy looked up at me and gave me the weakest smile she could pull meaning to say thanks. She looked at Aunt Millie and she nodded her head. She signalled us to sit down and start eating. We munched down on some crispy waffles with chocolate chips.

"Oh by the way, has anyone seen my book..." Aunt Millie said. I turned pale, trying not to reveal my expression.

"Did it have a brown cover?" I asked.

"Indeed." She replied. I got up and quickly took the book from my room because I did not want to be caught and passed it to her.

There goes my chance of learning the truth. I sighed and continued with my sweet waffles. I watched Aunt Millie leave the room and I turned to Amy. "How do you know Rose?" I asked.

"She told me she saw you and her name while she was in my room." She replied before walking away. Drip... Something dropped onto the table, it looked like strawberry syrup, but that was when I realised it was blood...

Haunted (In Editing)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang