Final Fight

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I slowly turned around, I looked up and stared st the 8 ft tall Misstress, on her face was an eerie grimace, she cackled and burst into a round of applause. I gritted my teeth and clenched my fists, ready for a fist fight. She was clapping for us, she was amused how everyone murdered each other, she found it funny, humorous! I felt like... I don't even know! "Since you do not want to kill each other...." She said in a normal voice. " I WILL HAVE TO KILL YOU" She screamed demonically. Her voice was a mixture of different voices, hands reached out of her chest and faint noises of cries for helped were heard. All of us sprinted in different directions, flailing our arms about as she attempted to pounce on us. Dan ran from place to place as he randomly shot his gun . He managed to shoot her in the chest, directly in the place where her heart would be or sould be. She cackled," Bullets cannot kill me" The bullets fell to the floor, clinking and clanging, her scars healed perfectly. I gulped, I was only thirteen, I had many more years to live, I did not want to die then! As she chased Aunt Millie, I backed away into the darkness to search for a better weapon like a big gun. I trampled over something squishy, Jessica's dead body... She was strangled, I stared at her face. It was pale, her pink eyes lost their colour and turned really light, like patel pink. The tears gushed out of my eyes, she only died for me, I should have held on tighter. I felt a cold sensation press on my shoulder, I was panicky, I thought it was the Mistress...

 I felt a cold sensation press on my shoulder, I was panicky, I thought it was the Mistress

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

"Clarissa..." The girl muttured.She used a tissue and wiped of black goop under her eyes. " Jessica?" I asked. She nodded, she gave me a weak smile and said," She is keeping us, in the room... Dark, its dark, we are scared, we are in a box. Clarssa, save us, only you can! Please.... The rings...." Then she vanished into thin air. The rings.... I remebered my parent's rings! Was that it? Many things ran through my mind. Save everyone... Go home... I heard Aunt Millie scream, I should no have been daydreaming, she's dead! " GET AWAY!!!" Daniel yelled. I found the rings and did a leoprd crawl across the floor. The Mistress grabbed Daniel by his neck, she grinned, flashing her mouth of razor teeth. Tentacles sprouted from her back as she held him against the wall and choked him. He made whimpers and gasped for air. She reached out a hand with sharp nails and brought it to his chest. I jumped on her back, making her fall. I stood on her chest as she wheezed. " THIS IS FOR EVERYTHING!!!!" I screamed as I stuffed the rings down her throat. She coughed and wheezed as she reached out for me. White light emerged from her throat as she burnt to ashes. The lights flickered and the power was back! Daniel and I survived, we ran to the living room, heading for the door. " Thank you..." People said in chorus. I turned my head and saw everyone who died. The room turned white and we were by a fountain, next to a lovely white staircase. " Thanks Clarissa." Jessica thanked. I hugged her tightly, along with my Mum and Dad and of course,  Amy. "We are free now, you two saved us all." Aunt Millie smiled. I sighed with relief, it was all over... The Mistress was gone! I was elated, joy filled my soul. Everyone stepped up the staircase and waved goodbye, they looked happy. I waved to them and the room was back to normal. We stepped out of the house where ten police cars surrounded us.

"Stand down, they're just kids!" One commanded. All the officers shoved their guns back into their pocket thingey. Aunt Helen ran up to us, she was my mother's sister. "Jessica, you're all right thank God!" She sighed. " Can you take care of Dan too?" I asked. " Sure." She replied. It was all over... All over... I was going to live happily with my Aunt Helen.

However, Clarissa was dead wrong... She didn't know she made a fatal mistake by not doing something....


Haunted 2 coming out today.

Haunted (In Editing)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें