Dead Bodies

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I dashed into the house, the living room was coated in their blood. On the couch was my father, the TV was all static, I was about to cry.

My father was not even a body, his head was separated, eye balls, tongue, hair and brain all gone.

His body was ripped open and all his organs were missing. Same goes for my mother who was in the kitchen. The tears stung my eyes again. I was dumbfounded, who would do such a thing.

"Come on Clarissa, you need to pack up..." I heard Shannon say.

I hung my head and the tears leaked out, I was sniffling. I jammed all my folded clothes into a suitcase and they handed me some boxes to put the other stuff like my books and toys.

You must be thinking, why would a thirteen year old still have toys? Well, they were the stuffed animals my parents gave me while I was hospitalised. ( I had some rare disease) When I looked at them, more tears rolled down my cheeks.

Everything,except the furniture and household items like cutlery, was packed and they loaded it into a truck which would go to where ever we were going, probably to my mom's Sister, Reena's house. She was our closest relative as we never knew both our sets of grandparents. My mom's parents passed on. My dad's parents hated him as much as he hated them. We never talked to them.

"Where are we going?" I curiously asked Shannon.

"Your parents stated in their will that you are to live with your father's sister." She replied in a low tone. Dad had a Sister?


A lovely blue car screeched to a halt. A lady who look a few years younger than my parents got out. She ran towards  me and gave me a tight hug.

"Who are you?" Amy asked, stepping out of the car.

"I'm your Aunt Millie. You must be Amy, your dad told me about you over the phone, but it was sad that I never got to meet you." She replied. She turned her head to me. The lady, my aunt was pretty. She was short, using heels to make her look taller, her blonde hair was curled at the edges and she was as thin as bone.

"You must be Clarissa!" She patted me on my head." I only saw you when you were just a little baby!"

They brought us into the car and we drove. Aunt Millie's GPS was quite big, I was impressed until it went haywire. Wherever we were going was already off the GPS.

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