Real Aunt Millie

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Our eyes widened at the sight of a creature pouncing on a woman.This woman, she was the real Aunt Millie. Jessica gasped and threw her knife at it, she missed itby a hair and it swung and buried intself in the wall. The creature dashed up the wall, setting Aunt Millie free, she ran to our side and hugged Jessica tightly. It loomed over us, white light made it's pupils glow brightly.

Daniel's hand shook as he aimed his gun at the creature, " Don't move

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Daniel's hand shook as he aimed his gun at the creature, " Don't move..." Aunt Millie advised us all. We stood still, my lips quivering in fear.  Daniel fired the gun and the creature made a shrill groaning noise and tumbled to the ground. It rolled around on the floor, moanng and groaning, I had enough and slammed its head with my hammer. I was thrown back, I felt the perspiration trickle down my cheeks as I leant against the wall. Screams were heard, thousands of them and souls flew out of it's body. " The last one....." They all mumbled before rising into the air and disappearing. I sat on the floor, my leg hurt bably. "OW."I groaned. Aunt Millie ran over to me, she placed her hands over my leg and mumbled something. The pain stopped. I looked at her. "A trick from the underworld, I was dead for so long, it feels good to be alive!" She said. I stood up and thanked her. We all stared at each other in silence. " NOW!!!!!" Someone screamed. A woman stood in the doorway, her hair rose up in the air and she flew in our direction at the speed of light, we ran up the stairs for our lives.

 A woman stood in the doorway, her hair rose up in the air and she flew in our direction at the speed of light, we ran up the stairs for our lives

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" DON'T KILL ME!!!!!!!" I yelled at the top of my lungs. That thing cackled loudly as she reached out to grab me. I had always been a slow runner, due to my stumpy little legs and my weak lungs. I stopped and she grabbed my hair. I screamed in pain when something came charging at her through the darkness. "SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS..." It hissed like it was about to explode. It grabbed the girl by her face and she growled in anger. It tore her limbs apart and she started speaking in Latin, she had several voices, ranging from very high to super low. I learnt Latin so I understood. " NO ONE WILL SURVIVE!!!!!!!" She screamed. That was when it tore her head of and decapitated her.

"Jake..." Aunt Millie said in a low tone. All we heard were hisses and growls. " Please Daddy!" Jessica squealed. " I AM NO LONGER YOUR DADDY!!!!!" Jake yelled and charged at us.

 " I AM NO LONGER YOUR DADDY!!!!!" Jake yelled and charged at us

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His mouth leaked with black liquid. We ran in different directions, when he grabbed Jessica...

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