A: Leave (Part 3 - Final)

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Jisung's POV
"Oh god, oh god, oh god," I rushed around the apartment trying to gather everything I needed for university. I was way too nervous.

"Stop praying! It'll get you nowhere! Besides, I'm the one who'll help you out today, don't worry at all," Hyungwon laughed it off. He was stood ready by the door, everything he needed in his bag on his back.

"I swear, you'd better not abandon me when we get there," I sighed, grabbing my backpack and walking out of the door.

"Aww, come on Jisung! Hyungwon and I would never abandon you!" Changkyun tugged me along the street as Hyungwon caught up from behind. I glanced at them both warily.

The gates to the schools' entrance were wide open, with students already flocking in. At least I wasn't late on my first day, but I was still dreading introducing myself to a whole new class. I hadn't been to school in four years, and the thought of going back was terrifying. I had Hyungwon in my year, and Changkyun the year below, which I hoped would be enough support.

We followed the crowd into the campus and went straight to our first lesson. We were early, as were most people, and I saw Hyungwon take an empty seat to one side of the room. I headed towards him when I heard, "Yah," and a tap on my arm. I turned to face the group of friends with raised eyebrows. There were three guys and two girls eyeing me up and down.

"You new?" One of the girls asked.

"Yeah, hi," I nodded quickly, desperately trying to end the conversation as soon as possible. I looked over to Hyungwon, and he was sat up straight watching it all.

"Can I ask why you have that on your face?" She pointed at me and I frowned.

"Boyoung! You're making it sound like an insult! She means your eyepatch thingy," The guy sat next to her gave her a slight nudge.

"Oh, uhh, it's..." I gulped and thought about how I was going to explain this.

"It's okay; I understand that things can be hard to explain. We probably shouldn't overwhelm you on your first day either! I'm Hajoon, welcome to the community college at Incheon," He stuck out his hand with a grin.

"I'm Jisung, nice to meet you," I smiled back and shook his hand. I was glad I had a shot at making new friends here.

Hyungwon's POV
"Hyung!!" Changkyun whined to my right. I rolled my eyes at him and turned around. "Aishh, can't you at least try to stop guys from flirting with Jisung?" He asked. I smirked at his annoyed little face. He got way too jealous way too easily.

"Well then you'd just get overprotective and yell at me instead, because I can't do anything right, can I?" I joked. "Plus, Jisung is more than capable of taking care of herself, just look at her. She's not going anywhere man," I gestured over to where she was stood, her books in her arms, talking to a group of the popular people. The Boyoung and Hajoon crew... She'd be better off with them than with Changkyun and I.

All Changkyun did was sigh frustratedly. "I gotta get to class," He grumbled before standing up and leaving the classroom. He passed Jisung without a word and it was my turn to sigh. He should make more of an effort.

Class went by unexciting as usual, and there was an introduction of Jisung, which caused whispers to ripple through the room. I must admit, it wasn't surprising that there were frowns at Jisung's eye cover, and the slight scar on the side of her head. The doctor had told her to wear it until her eye properly healed, not that she would be able to see out of it anyway. We would have to change it again after school.

At lunch, Jisung was still the gossip of the school. Changkyun grabbed a tray of food and passed it down to her before we sat down on a relatively free table. The attention was on all three of us, and their whispers became louder. I knew what they were thinking. Why is Changkyun sitting with Hyungwon and the new girl? Since when did Hyungwon and Changkyun get along? Didn't they hate each other? Things change people.

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