Our Town

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I could taste blood. I looked up at the piece of shit kid who just hit me. I wiped the blood away from my mouth with my hand, and I swung at him. My fist made contact with him, and his nose crunched from the force of my hand. He fell onto the ground and blood started to gush from his nose.

I swept my surroundings quickly. There was no one who could stop me. I took my chance and kept hitting him. I lunged forward and started hitting him as hard as I could. He was bleeding from multiple wounds on his face. I stood up and started to hear people shouting my name, and presumably his too. I spat on him and kicked him in the stomach as I walked away. And he punched me first. Ha, funny.

"Holy shit, Jooheon! You just kicked his ass, man!" My friend Minhyuk ran towards me, shouting his head off. "That was crazy!" He clapped me on the back and jumped on my shoulders.

"Do you even know who that was, idiot?" Kihyun strolled over, looking concerned as usual.

"I don't. And I don't care," I shrugged.

"That was Changkyun, dude,"

"Uh, who?" I frowned.

"Changkyun. His father owns all the companies in this shit hole of a town. You have no idea what you just brought upon yourself," Kihyun informed me. It sounded too much like a lecture. I yawned, and said nothing. I meant it when I said I didn't care.

I didn't say anything for a few minutes. I knew that Minhyuk would find something to say soon. He's a talker, that one. I wasn't wrong.

"Jooheon, what's wrong? You should be celebrating! He's been giving us shit all week, and you just beat him the fuck up! The most powerful bastard in this town's son!" Minhyuk was still on an adrenaline high. Or just high in general, I couldn't tell to be honest.

I just kept walking. Minhyuk and Kihyun stopped. "Fine, be like that. I don't care," Minhyuk lashed out.

I knew he did care. They both did. I should have probably apologised, but I decided against it. All I wanted to do was go home.

As I approached my house, I saw the local drug dealer's kid, Hyungwon, smoking a joint. He was playing it smart. He was leaning up against the wall of his house, half in the shadows, and it was dark enough so that if the police drove by, he wouldn't be seen.

"Yah! Jooheon, come here! What's up?" He called me over.

"Nothing much. Just heading home,"

"Damn, you lip's busted... Was it the boss' son, Changkyun?" Hyungwon snarled.

"You guessed it. But his father is not the boss," I sighed.

"If you say so. Want a puff?" Hyungwon offered, holding out the blunt.

"On second thoughts, nah man. I can smell it from here, and it smells strong as hell,"

"Yeah, it is. My dad was doing some business earlier, and we got this new stuff. Do you think it'll sell?" He asked.

"As long as it works. Ask Minhyuk. If he says yes, then you'll get all the profit you need," I laughed.

"True!" Hyungwon inhaled slowly and exhaled smoke rings. "If you, or anyone you know, needs a hook up, come to me, okay?"

"Course. Don't worry about it. See you around," I said.

I walked up the wooden steps to my house and looked through the window. My sister, Tem, was lying on the couch with the television off. She probably got tired and dosed off. I opened the door, took off my shoes, and stepped as quietly as I could towards my room. I was about to close the door when I heard her call out to me.

"Jooheon, is that you?"

"Yeah, sis, it's me," I sighed. She just had to wake up.

She walked towards me, rubbing her sleepy eyes. "Omo! What happened to you? Where were you? Why is your lip bleeding? Why are your eyes red? Have you been crying? Wait, what's that smell?"

She could smell Hyungwon's latest concoction, even though I didn't take any. I tried to back away "Don't you worry about me, sis. I'm fine; I just got into a fight. I'm not hurt. And, I have no idea what that smell is," I lied. She knows I was lying too. She could see right through me, as always.

"Don't lie to me, Jooheon. What were you doing? Were you smoking drugs? Was it Hyungwon? It was, wasn't it? I swear, I could kill that kid sometimes," Tem grumbled.

"No, I wasn't smoking anything! And I told you, I just got into a little fight. It was nothing," I tried to lie again, but she didn't buy it. She knew something was up.

"With who?" She said, crossing her arms.

"No one. Can't even remember the name," Lies, after lies, after lies.

"Wouldn't happen to be Changkyun, would it? I saw him stumbling home about fifteen minutes ago," She remarked coolly. I remained silent.

"You know I love you, Jooheon. You've got to stop lying to me, and getting yourself into stupid situations. It makes me feel like I've failed at raising you," She sighed.

"You couldn't fail at that, since it wasn't your responsibility," I said without thinking. Dammit, she's probably really hurt and pissed off at me now.

"Just go to bed. It's late," She whispered, croaking slightly. She wanted to cry. I could see her eyes glistening.

I did as Tem told me. I tried my best to get to sleep.

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